
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-14 11:01:24


1 . ( No one can be sure____ in a million years

2 . 当狂风在耳边呼啸时,你只当它是微风拂面;

3 . I hope to go to France some day__there are many museums thereAthough B unless C because D where

4 . _________________________________________________

5 . ()袁隆平视为生命的四分田地,在一个星期天的早晨,还是被那些造反派扫荡一空。

6 . )主句是___________,宾语从句要用___________。

7 . ***其中 以wh- 疑问词或how 引导的宾语从句与动词不定式可相互转换

8 . ( This is the only book ___I am looking for A that B which C who D whom

9 . Therearemanybeautifulflowersinthegarden(变一般问句

10 . IsMrSmithtallandstrong?(作肯定回答________________


1 . “I will go with you ” he says ---He says he will go with me

2 . How much are the shoes?They&#;re…dollars/yuan

3 . What color is …? It&#;s red/white

4 . )You can go skating after you ____Afinish the job Bfinished the job Cfinishing the job

5 . .Do you know what time ___?A.the train leave B.does the train leave C.will the train leave Dthe train leaves

6 . .Do you know where _________ now?A.he lives B.does he live C.he lived D.did he live

7 . 活泼可爱的小男孩蹲在地上仔细地捡树种。

8 . 修辞作为一种表达手段,仅仅限于能够识别某些修辞格,显然是不够的,而仿写句子着重在"运用"上考查修辞格,也正符合《考试说明》中提出的"正确运用常见的修辞方法"的内容,对促进学生语言表达水平的提高,有很好的导向作用。仿写前应分析给定例句所运用的修辞格,或比喻或比拟,或借代或夸张,或对偶或排比等,必须严格遵守。

9 . The policeman showed me where I could get books 可以说成The policeman showed me where to get books

10 . 土家族是我国五十六个民族。


1 . 一位台湾同胞说,他是中国人,他爱中国。_________________________________

2 . Protecting environment is ______ ______ ______ developing economy

3 . I will never forget the days ______ I worked here

4 . We always have a good time chatting on the Internet

5 . A so; that B too; to C such; that D not only; but also

6 . SheisyoungSheispretty(合并为一句___________________

7 . 他好像要摆脱这种与他的年龄很不相称的重荷。

8 . ( --Could you tell me___? He is wanted by the head teacher--Sorry, I’ve no ideaBut he _ here just now.

9 . A when will they visit B when they will visit C when did they visit D when they visited

10 . ()片面的强调读书,而不关心政治,或片面的强调政治,而不努力读书,都是错误的。


1 . ( ---We can use MSN to talk with each other on the Internet ---Really? Will you please show ____it? ‘

2 . 片段二:

3 . 我希望这些明星会邀请我吃午饭。

4 . ( The song ___ Jay Zhou sings are popular with students A why B whom C what D which

5 . ( He didn’t tell me ____

6 . ( __cleans the classroom can go home first A Anyone B Those who C However D The one who

7 . Thatyoungladyisourprincipal(对划线部分提问____________

8 . To my surprise, he gave me nothing __ I need This is the best dictionary __ I have ever used

9 . ()鲁镇酒店的格局,是和别处不同的。

10 . Shall we go now? 我们现在可以走了吗?


1 . __

2 . The car______my father bought last month is beautifulThe man______hair is white is his grandfather

3 . 月光照在她那恬静的脸上,照着她睁得大大的眼睛。她仿佛也看到了,看到了她从来没有过的景象,月光照耀下的波涛汹涌的大海。

4 . ()这支部队的先头连就匆匆占领了汽车路边一个很低的光光的小山冈。

5 . I like the rooms ______windows face south This is the desk ______legs were broken

6 . Your dream won’t come true__ you know what your dream is A after B unless C while D since

7 . 话题还指文段所给定的中心主旨,仿写时应在弄懂文意的基础上把握主旨,循旨联想,遵旨选材,按旨索句。

8 . A What Lily was B What was Lily C Where Lily was D Where was Lily

9 . ( The doctor ___I am waiting for is Mr Smith A which B whom C whose D why

10 . A moment, please I’m checking if Mr Smith__free tomorrow Ais Bbeing Cto be Dwill be


1 . ( The dog went out while we __ supper A had B had had C were having D would have

2 . I think it is important for the children to learn to read and write

3 . ______ ______ the bad weather, the school sports meet had to ______ ______ ______

4 . She was busy, ____she couldn’t go to your birthday party last night A and B so C or D but

5 . Therearesomebusesnearthehill(变单数

6 . ( --What time will Mr Brown be back to China? -- Sorry I don’t know ___

7 . A who B which C what D whom

8 . Constant dropping wears the stone 滴水穿石。

9 . Do you still remember the movie _____ we saw last weekend? A who B what C that D whom

10 . ()那有节奏的歌声是和谐的优美的。


1 . Millie 的铅笔盒和Amy 的尺寸一样。

2 . ( The young lady ___ we met yesterday is our new math teacher A what B whose C whom D which

3 . ( This is the place ____ the old man lived last year A when B where C that Dwhich

4 . Make______ ______ ______to work hard, ______ you‘ll succeed ______ ______ ______

5 . It’s time to say goodbye to my school I’ll always remember the people _____ have helped me

6 . [分析]在给定的例句中,前四个问句已明示了下文回答时的陈述对象应该分别是"年

7 . The boy is so strong that he can lift up the heavy stone He is such a clever boy that all of us like him

8 . I hate TV shows _________ are noisy and boringThe music __________ is gentle and quiet attracts me a lot

9 . Therearesomeapplesinthetree(变一般问句

10 . ()在一天夜里,他被一陈尖叫声惊醒了。


1 . [分析]运用比喻,喻体必须恰当;

2 . 色调,即色彩和格调。仿写的句子同例句要色彩和谐,不论语境色彩还是感情色彩;

3 . Just around the comer 就在附近。

4 . 象桑娜那样品德高尚的人值得赞扬。

5 . 我母亲经常在星期日打扫卫生,洗衣服。

6 . 真诚____,____;真诚____,_____。

7 . Plenty of sleep is healthful 充足的睡眠有益于健康。

8 . 综合练习一 用适当的关系代词或关系副词填空

9 . Which is the way to the nearest shop?/ What’s wrong with you?/ What’s up?/ What’s the matter?

10 . Here&#;s a gift for you 这里有个礼物送给你。


1 . Close the door after you,please 请随手关门。

2 . B冰凉的河水呛得我好难受。

3 . .I don&#;t know _________ .Can you tell me,please? A.how the two players are old

4 . O是_________________,______________。

5 . The box is so heavy that I can’t carry it= ___________________________________________________

6 . Is the baseball under the chair?

7 . Speak louder,please 说话请大声点儿。

8 . 在吉姆的书包里有一些卡片。_________somecardsinJim’sbag

9 . ( -“Do you know_ have our summer holiday?”-“Next week”Awhen will we Bwhen are weC when we will

10 . [误例]真诚犹如一颗渺小的尘土,它带领着我们漫游天际;真诚如同一道溪流,激情就是溪流中的鹅卵石。




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