
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-16 03:43:03


1 . There are two reasons why I wake up in the morning: my alarm clock and you我早上愿意醒来为两个理由: 闹钟和你

2 . 双手柔情温暖我心房;

3 . never sounded or known;

4 . Was made bright by the light

5 . you will be ok。太多的情绪,没适当的表情。

6 . I do not have the strength to leave you any more我再也没有离开你的力量。

7 . Within you I lose myself, without you I find myself wanting to be lost again

8 . I miss you when I am depressed, just as I miss the sunlight in winter; I miss you when I feel happy, just as I miss the shade in the hot sun曾经迷惘的心中,是你牵引我走出寂寞。

9 . 如果没有相等的爱,那就让我爱多一些吧。

10 . if the sun were to rise in the west, i’d never change my mind to love you forever即使太阳从西边出来,我对你的爱也不会改变


1 . 不要为那些不愿在你身上花费时间的人而浪费你的时间。

2 . no one ever will;

3 . if you need me ,i am here for youi am on your side如果你需要我,我会在这等候,我跟你是一国的。

4 . There&#;s a place in my memory

5 . so toil warm for me;

6 . Keep me in your memory, leave out all the rest 把我放进你的记忆里,不要管其他的。

7 . To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world

8 . Brief is life, but love is long

9 . 用右手轻轻地拨动琴弦,流过手指的丝丝润滑,夹杂着我腾飞的幻想。

10 . My first love broke my herrt 我的初恋就这样伤了我的心


1 . Courage is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm——所谓勇气,就是不断经历失败,但是从不丧失热情。

2 . let’s hitch it 让我们拴在一起吧 my love for you is as deep as the sea 对你的爱,似海深。

3 . Good love is to let you see the whole world through someone while bad love is to make you give up the world

4 . I hate your eyes,I hate your lips, I hate your hugs,I hate how you don&#;t like me, and, I hate how much I like you

5 . You are everything when you are with me, and everything is you when you are not。

6 . I have been sleeping all alone我一直孤独入眠

7 . 假如每次想起你我都会得到一朵鲜花,那么我将永远在花丛中徜徉。

8 . First love is unforgettable all one is life初恋是永生难忘的。

9 . 岁月刻满沧桑

10 . i love stars, and you’re as beautiful as a star我喜欢星星,而你就跟星星般美丽。


1 . I am confused and sad我很迷茫,很难过。

2 . 深爱也已是今非昔比 ≈Say goodbye

3 . A person can succeed at anything for which there is enthusiasm——只要拥有无限的热情,一个人几乎可以在任何事情上取得成功。

4 . Love is a vine that grows into our hearts

5 . Do you fear a love fool who is loving you so deeply?

6 . ---Howard Johnson(c)

7 . 在我的记忆之中

8 . M代表着母亲给予了我们一切,

9 . 你深情的爱激励我

10 . No pains No gains (一份耕耘,一份收获)


1 . Pain is a part of growth ——疼痛是成长的一部分。

2 . Put them all together,

3 . And the brow that&#;s all furrowed

4 . 好想,好想你!如果清风有情,请带去我对你的思念,这一生都为你牵挂;如果白云有意,请带去我对你的爱恋,生生世世都愿和你共缠绵!

5 . No matter how long the rain lasts, there will be a rainbow in the end ——不管雨下多久,最终彩虹总会出现。

6 . A heart that loves is always young

7 . 距离使两颗心靠得更近。Distance makes the hearts grow fonder幸福,不是长生不老,不是大鱼大肉,不是权倾朝野。幸福是每一个微小的生活愿望达成。当你想吃的时候有得吃,想被爱的时候有人来爱你。Happiness is not about being immortal nor having food or rights inone’s hand It’s about having each tiny wish come true, or havingsomething to eat when you are hungry or having someone’s love when youneed love

8 . However long the night, the dawn will break

9 . 你在时你是一切,你不在时一切是你!

10 . I will just experience love once, and you will be my only one爱情对我来说只有一次,而你就是我的这一次。


1 . 永远无人有此真情;

2 . 不要着急,最好的总会在最不经意的时候出现。

3 . 千万个思念,在空气中凝固。扬起风吹向你,带着我的祝福,寂寞我不在乎,你快乐我就满足,想你是我的幸福

4 . Love triumphs over everthingLove has no age, no limit and no death爱情战胜一切。爱情没有寿命,没有极限,不会死亡。

5 . 生命虽短,爱却绵长。

6 . 因为你,我懂得了爱。

7 . Life is challenge, not to stand high mountains,but you see how far

8 . How are you getting on ? I hope that the word will become more beautiful because of you!

9 . Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who s fallng n love wth your smle

10 . 闪烁着深情的光芒


1 . I miyou so much already and I haven’t even left yet!

2 . I love you until the end 我爱你一直到老

3 . Like a candle that&#;s set

4 . I vaguely remember, you thin lips stuck on my forehead carefully,as if the whole world becomes quiet

5 . I wish I could choose which memories to remember

6 . 有了你,我迷失了自我。失去你,我多么希望自己再度迷失。Within you I lose myself, without you I find myself wanting to be lost again

7 . “H” is for her heart of purest gold,

8 . The worst way to msomeone s to be sttng rght besde them knowng you can‘t have them

9 . 在我的心灵之中

10 . Love is blind


1 . Sometimes you have to be your own hero——有时候,你必须做自己的英雄。

2 . The soul cannot live without love灵魂不能没有爱而存在。

3 . At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet

4 . I forget my soul in you 我把我的心遗忘在你那儿了

5 . Your fond love has cheered me and guided me right;

6 . 深夜透窗棂

7 . 看看我的眼睛,你会发现你对我而言意味着什么。

8 . When it has is lost, brave to give up 当拥有已经是失去,就勇敢的放弃。

9 . Can you just not miss me while I am still loving you?(趁我还爱你,你可不可以不要错过我?

10 . of the smile in your eye;


1 . 引领我一直前进;

2 . 难道你怕一个深爱着你的痴情儿?

3 . 女孩们最傻的就是,再给机会给那些刚伤害过自己的人。

4 . If I love you, what will you do 如果我爱你,你就等着被我爱。

5 . 我吻你勤劳的手指

6 . my life that you fill;

7 . But this guy,I know,I always realize that he will never come

8 . Don‘t cry because t s over, smle because t happened

9 . and wrinkled with care;

10 . 我会想你,在漫漫长路的每一步。




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