
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-16 21:05:13


1 . "Your time is limited, so don&#;t waste it living someone else&#;s life 人生有限,不要为别人而活。"

2 . 奥运精神永驻我心

3 . 第条终牵绊,憔思花容颜。

4 . 一句哲理在年轻人嘴里说出和在老年人嘴里说出是不一样的。年轻人说的只是这句哲理本身,尽管他可能理解得完全正确。而老年人不只是说了这句哲理,其中还包含了他的全部生活!

5 . The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched They must be felt with the heart 不可见,不可触,世上最美的只可用心去感受。

6 . 光喊不动,实在无用。

7 . "#Ralph Waldo Emerson# be yourself, no base imitator of another, but your best self There is something which you can do better than another Listen to the inward voice and bravel" y obey t hatDo t he "tings at which you are great, not what you were never made for ——Ralph Waldo Emerson"

8 . 第条日月轮回,时代更迭。

9 . 第条旧人不提,旧情不忆。

10 . 小洞不补,大洞难堵。


1 . 第条吟风于春,薄酒夜夏。

2 . If you can make good use of, life is long-- Seneca

3 . 第条一季飘零,一季浅舞。

4 . 锻炼身体磨练意志

5 . "A smile takes but a moment, but the memory of it lasts forever 微笑是短暂的,但是记忆却能永恒。"

6 . “Knowledge is knowing what to say Wisdom is knowing whether or not to say it”

7 . 第条厮守海角,非你不娶!

8 . Cherish life will cherish today

9 . 学而不厌,诲人不倦。

10 . 珍惜生命就要珍惜今天。


1 . 我们的生命只有一次,但我们如能正确地运用它,一次足矣。

2 . 生命在闪耀中现出绚烂,在平凡中现出真实。——伯克

3 . 第条若许一世,为何负情。

4 . 第条青山不老,为雪白头。

5 . 人生有一道难题,那就是如何使一寸光阴等于一寸生命。

6 . 对于大多数人,经验像是一艘船上的尾灯,只照亮船驶过的航道。(英国诗人 柯勒津治 S T

7 . 学海无涯,心存高远。

8 . 第条你的半步,我的天涯。

9 . As to you… 而你… Your scent… 你的气息… Is like a drug to me 却好像是专门为我配制的毒品 Like my own personal brand of heroin 简直是我个人品牌的瘾品 《暮光之城》

10 . 军纪如铁意志如钢


1 . Never let the demands of tomorrow interfere with the pleasures and excitement of today永远别让明天的期待,影响你享受今天的时光。

2 . 人们往往把任性也叫做自由,但是任性只是非理性的自由,人性的选择和自决都不是出于意志的理性,而是出于偶然的动机以及这种动机对感性外在世界的依赖。

3 . 第条我的未来,与你同在。

4 . I could put my arms around every boy I see But they&#;d only remind me of you ——Prince 《Nothing Compares U》

5 . "Feelings are just visitors, let them come and go ——Mooji"

6 . Only for making me want to you badly 就是因为发觉自己多么渴望想得到你 I still don&#;t know if I can control myself 我到现在还不知道是否控制得了自己 《暮光之城》

7 . 安全平安,矿兴我荣。

8 . "What does it mean? I don&#;t understand what it&#;s supposed to mean 兰波:It means exactly what it says Word for word No more, no less 《心之全蚀》"

9 . Life has a problem, that is how to make an inch of time is an inch ofhis life

10 . 琴棋书画花鸟虫鱼总有一款适应你,一定要给自己培养一种爱好;修文学艺会洗涤人之心身,打开你的记忆和想象,铺陈你的浪漫;当这种爱好融入你的生活工作时,它会给你带来意想不到的功用和享受;还有茶道摄影收藏旅游……它们都是生活中的味精,点点滴滴中会让我们的生活更有滋味,更有情趣。


1 . Absence to love is what wind is to fire It extinguishes the small; it inflames the great (Roger de Bussy-Rabutin, French writer

2 . First love is only a little foolishness and a lot of curiosity (George Bernard Shaw

3 . To most men , experience is like the stern light of a ship which il-luminates only the track it has passed (Samuel Tylor Coleridge, British poet

4 . My life is not a political campaign I just write about what is on my mind I just play whatever I feel like playing Whatever is in my soul at the time is what I want to do —— Neil Yo ung

5 . Proverbs are short sentences drawn from long experience (Miguel de Cervantes, Spanish writer

6 . 勇挑重担力创一流

7 . It&#;s really nice how some people can always make you smile just by thinking about them

8 . 生命不止,奋斗不息。

9 . 一个人如果把从别人那里学来的东西算作自己的发现,这也很接近于虚骄。

10 . 谚语是从长期经验中获得的短句。(班牙作家 塞万提斯M


1 . 你不伤我,我不伤你。

2 . "It maybe on a train, It maybe near seaside, It maybe a painful memory, It maybe a distant way, You don&#;t know why you leave, For heart break?frightend?or something else? Or maybe" you w an t to f in d "someone, Even though there isn&#;t the one any more, But you just know, that&#;s all"

3 . Seize the day What&#;s important to you? What do you care about? What matters? Pursue that Forget the rest ——Brittany Maynard

4 . 积尘自燃,防火重要。

5 . Happiness is not something you postpone for the future; it is something you design for the present

6 . 第条我爱你,关你什么事!

7 . 无证驾驶,危及生命。

8 . 有一些宝贵的东西作为它的目标时,生活才有价值。

9 . Learning to ignore things is one of the great paths to inner peace 学会忽略是通向内在平静的一条大路。

10 . 审美的感官需要文化修养……借助修养才能了解美,发现美。


1 . 智慧之鸟的猫头鹰,在文明的暮色中才开始起飞。

2 . “They told me that to make her fall in love I had to make her laugh But every time she laughs I&#;m the one who falls in love”

3 . 安全管理,处处要严。

4 . They say time flies but nothing moves slower than the time it takes to heal ——Pavana ???

5 . 世界的悲剧就在于有想象力又缺乏经验,而有经验的人又缺乏想象力。(英国哲学家数学家 怀特海 A N

6 . 如能善于利用,生命乃悠长。——塞涅卡

7 . It is discouraging to think how many people are shocked by honesty andhow few by deceit ( N Coward

8 . Learn to enjoy the simple things in life 学会享受生活中的简单。

9 . 团结一致勇争第一

10 . 磨砺青春升华自我


1 . 存在即合理。

2 . 第条静守时光,以待流年。

3 . 飞扬青春惟我独尊

4 . "No matter good or bad things happen, life moves on Nothing lasts forever so even though things might be amazing or awful, life goes on and I must move on I have to improve, bec" ome be tt "er, be" co me "who I want to be, overcome failure 不管发生什么事情,生活都还是会继续。不管情况有多好,没什么能持续到永远,生活还会继续,我们也会向前看。我得有进步,要变得更好,能够成为那个我想成为的人,战胜失败。"

5 . 生命不可能有两次,但许多人连一次也不善于度过。——吕凯特

6 . To make good use of life one should have in youth the experience of advanced years, and in old age the vigor of youth (Stanislars I, Polish king

7 . "Silence is beautiful, not awkward The human tendency to be afraid of something beautiful is awkward"

8 . "Sometimes we get sad about things and we don’t like to tell other people that we are sad about them We like to keep it a secret Or sometimes, we are sad but we really don&#;t kn" ow why w e are sa "d," so we say we aren&#;t sad but we really are (The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time) ——Mark Haddon

9 . 只有经过长时间完成其发展的艰苦工作,并长期埋头沉没于其中的任务,方可有所成就。

10 . 挑战极限超越自我




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