
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-13 10:35:18


1 . Night lights, illuminate your white hair, September your holidays, rest breaks!(深夜的灯光,照亮了您的白发,月日您放假,休息休息吧!

2 . On this special day, I want to say to my mother: Happy Mother&#;s day! May my mother be more healthy and happy in the days to come!

3 . Jack didn&#;t make very good grades inschool, but his sister was a realegghead

4 . George blew his cool at theinsult

5 . Teacher, the teacher, dear teacher! September , your birthday! Students wishing you always happy!(老师老师,亲爱的老师!九月十日,您的生日!学生祝您永远快乐!

6 . Stay in your forehead wrinkles, leave white hair on your head, years in your shoulders stay, smile to stay in your mouth, firm in your chest left Mother happy mother&#;s day, my mother I love you in my heart to stay!

7 . Blessed is he whose fame does not outshine his truth

8 . 就让今天宁静的夜晚,点着淡淡的烛光,听着轻轻的音乐,品着浓浓的葡萄酒,让我陪伴你渡过一天难忘的生日!

9 . You are really a rare visitor。

10 . 在老师生日来临之即,祝老师事业正当午,身体壮如虎,金钱不胜数,干活不辛苦,悠闲像老鼠,浪漫似乐谱,快乐莫你属!


1 . Wishing you all the blessings of a beautiful Christmas season

2 . 今夜圣诞,请你吃蛋;我好寂寞,跟我谈谈。不要哀叹,送你花篮;亲亲我脸,幸福依然。

3 . 今天是母亲节,你就不要再发短信了,回家吃个饭,完了刷刷碗,随便说说话,逗逗妈妈哈哈哈,夸夸妈妈顶呱呱,妈妈心里一定乐开花!

4 . 虽然你已大步迈入奔四行列了,可在我心里你永远是岁!生日快乐!

6 . 母亲节,将祝福,送妈妈,愿妈妈,快乐多,幸福绕;许心愿,给妈妈,望妈妈,年轻态,美丽驻;把孝心,送妈妈,盼妈妈,体安康,平安伴;母亲节到,愿天下的妈妈笑口常开,万事如意。

7 . Want to send you carnations, you say too much waste; would like to invite you to eat a big meal, you say outside the family did not eat incense; want to send you a gift You always say that the home has But I have to send a gift: Mom, I love you forever!

8 . 如:Dick is a black sheep, always bringing trouble to his family

9 . 走过了那么多年,我才深深知道,最爱我的人是您,妈妈。

10 . John is really apigheadand he always persists own ideas which are always wrong


1 . play a lone hand〔美国〕独个儿工作[旅行生活],不靠别人

2 . 她不是云彩,因为她不会随风而散;她不是浪花,因为她不会随波逐流。她是爱——母亲的爱,祝天下母亲幸福!

3 . 虽然您不轻易表露,但我知道您一直都在关心着我。谢谢您,妈妈!

4 . Mother, I was once your side of the concern of the bird, today it is for you to the title of a bouquet of fragrant flowers

5 . On the occasion of the arrival of Christmas, I have but one thing to tell you, today I didn&#;t eat breakfast, I didn&#;t eat lunch, I went to work for you

6 . 今天是母亲节,愿您永远健康,美丽;一切事情都顺心,如意。送上鲜花,送上我深深的祝福!在这个特别的日子里,我想对妈妈您说声:妈妈节日快乐!愿妈妈在今后的日子里更加健康快乐!

7 . I am really slow-minded。

8 . It&#;s not easy to explain in several words。

9 . 表达:

10 . May you happy Christmas season, may the New Year is the day of your happiness


1 . The world is only a good mother, a mother with a child like a treasure, with tight mother&#;s pockets, the pocket money The world is only a good mother, a mother of the child like a treasure, into her mother&#;s arms, can not enjoy the happiness Happy mother&#;s day!

2 . 钟声已响起,在久久的仰视中,有一片暖意,也静穆如钟地在心头升起。

3 . 你为我坚强抵御风雨,你为我脆弱担心哭泣,你为我青春拼搏不息,你为我苍老弯了背脊。你是我一生的爱,一生的心疼,妈妈,我爱你。母亲节,祝你健康快乐,我们永远幸福的在一起。

4 . 裁判不公正,他们几乎气得发狂。

5 . 除了It&#;s my treat, 还有:

6 . Scold, total contains love; nagging, reveals a concern; silent, hidden miss; a show of hands between total hope peace child; this is the motherly love, mother love is great, difficult to return, only happy mothers day fast, safe and healthy!

7 . 口语:发脾气可以用“Blow”!

8 . “我请客”在英语口语里能怎么说?

9 . Affection in this world, always let life is full of a copy of the ordinary but always warm, affection is through life always To this end, we wish there every mother happy mother&#;s day!

10 . ⑧ Your plan for a class get-together你这个同学聚会的计划听起来很不错。


1 . 他是不喜欢和别人合伙的,他宁愿单干。

2 . A: We are planning to take a long hike on Saturday Are you up for it?星期六我们计划来次很长的徒步旅行。要去吗?

3 . 那个孩子的嘴特别硬。

4 . 愿你将我的爱深深体验,感受我无边的思念,祝你圣诞快乐,甜蜜每一天。

5 . Teachers, so when children call me, just like that…… Today, I sincerely Duinin Shui sound: the teacher, you had hard(老师,当孩子们这样称呼我时,犹如当年……今天我衷心地对您说声:老师,您辛苦了。

6 . Teacher, the gift table like a token of the students: I hope that when you turn the invigilators a blind eye; Panjuan paper when Gaotaiguishou; write reviews, a lot of kind words(老师,这份礼物略表学生的一点心意:希望您监考时睁一只眼闭一只眼;判卷纸时高抬贵手;写评语时多多美言。

7 . 没有您就没有我,就没有我数十寒暑的悲伤,也没有我春夏秋冬的欢笑,谢谢您给了我生命中美好的一切与成长。母亲节快乐!

8 . 多点挂念,常回家看看;多点时间,常陪她聊天;多点空闲,常做些美餐;多点依恋,常把她陪伴;多点问候,常信息传传;愿天下母亲节日快乐永平安。

9 . 我尊敬的大哥,你的生日到了,我愿意摘一颗星,采一朵云,放入我的红包,给您送去,愿您在这一年中活得快乐,永远记得我。

10 . 生日祝福你,好事追着你,主管重视你,病魔躲着你,情人深爱你,痛苦远离你,开心跟着你,万事顺着你!


1 . You deserved it。

2 . I have to tell you that since he went off toschool, Bill has turned into a realegghead

3 . With the arrival of Christmas Eve, old friend again remind of the distance, ask: how are you? Say: merry Christmas! May our friendship!

4 . Teachers -the season winds my Yanmouyula in the minds of several from the screen and off screen and can not help but recall the past quietly regards to your childhood(老师--感念的季节风吹过我的眼眸雨落在心中几番幕起又幕落忍不住又忆起童年往事悄悄问候您。

5 . 人人最后都会死,但非人人都曾活过。

6 . 祈望你心灵深处芳草永绿,青春常驻,笑口常开。祝你生日快乐,健康幸福!

7 . Today is mother&#;s day, may you always be healthy and beautiful, everything goes well Send flowers, send me a deep blessing! On this special day, I want to say to my mother: Happy Mother&#;s day! May my mother be more healthy and happy in the days to come!

8 . Life is so wonderful, the feeling is really wonderful; blood altogether breathe out, two people depend on each other; for you really happy, blessings in time to I wish you a good "pregnancy", and the happy hug Mom, happy mother&#;s Day!

9 . 我听说过她,有人说她是个扫帚星,谁跟她结婚都会倒霉。

10 . Do you know where Santa Claus? Last year he took away my socks! You also need to be careful! Merry Christmas and a happy Christmas Eve!




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