
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2023-12-13 05:48:44


1 . Dear as are father and mother, the motherland is still dearer

2 . 适用本句型常见的谓语动词:接不定式的:advise, allow, ask, compel, command, help, wish, warn, 等。

3 . We call the first Olympic Games the "ancient" Olympics

4 . 句型 "not to speak of" 等词组也可用以表示差比, 如: Even a worm, when trodden on, will turn, not to speak of a man outraged

5 . 由于宾语的性质不用被动句:

6 . [主语+谓语+above/ next to+被比对象] [主语+can&#;t compare with+被比对象]

7 . 类似于这种可以用名词或名词短语作宾语补足语的动词有:

8 . 多谢你用e-mail给我发来这么漂亮的图片。

9 . [主语+谓语+rather than+动词原形…]

10 . We would sooner die fighting first before we allow this to happen to us


1 . 我们今天在学校度过了这么有趣的一天。

2 . 存在着两种不同类型的无知:粗浅的无知出现在必要条件之前,而博学的无知则跟随在知识之后

3 . Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced

4 . None is so blind as those that won&#;t see

5 . 知识有如人体血液一样的宝贵。人缺少了血液,身体就要衰弱,人缺少了知识,头脑就要枯竭。

6 . Better say nothing than nothing to the purpose

7 . We are wholly dedicated to the educational cause The news was told to everyone

8 . I caught the last bus from town; but Harry came home even later (He came home later than I

9 . 混混噩噩的生活不值得过。——苏格拉底

10 . Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass——John Ruskin


1 . 独立主格结构使用介词的问题:

2 . The sooner we begin our work, the sooner we shall finish it

3 . 读书和学习是在别人思想和知识的帮助下,建立起自己的思想和知识。

4 . [附注] 表示被动行为的`施动者主要用by,但也有用with, 不过with已近于表示行为的工具,后面不能接人的名词,如:I was much impressed with the beauty of the music He is deeply impressed with your generous donation

5 . 如果别人朝你扔石头,就不要扔回去了,留着作你建高楼的基石。

6 . 注意:

7 . [注] 注意本句型的两式不可混用。不可说 "I prefer doing this rather than that" 只能说 "I prefer doing this to (doing that 或 I prefer to do this rather than do that

8 . [注] 使用比较级要注意两点:

9 . I had as soon you broke his neck as his finger

10 . It seems that +从句


1 . [附注] 表示等比的还有以下一些方式:

2 . He was killed with a bullet I was struck with an idea

3 . 趁年轻少壮去探求知识吧,它将弥补由于年老而带来的亏损。智慧乃是老年的精神养料,所以年轻时应该努力,这样,年轻时才不致空虚。

4 . 名词/形容词/do (不定式,省to),作宾语补足语。

5 . We have accomplished as much in the past three years as would have taken ten years in the past

6 . Towering genius disdains a beaten path It seeks regions hitherto unexplored——Lincoln

7 . Difficult circumstances serve as a textbook of life for people

8 . Fear not that the life shall come to an end, but rather fear that it shall never have a beginning——JH Newman

9 . 带介词保留宾语的被动句中常用动词有:clear…of, cure…of, strip…of, add…to, devote…to, dedicated…to, base…on, compare…with, free…from等。

10 . 学书则知识学可以致远


1 . He is as tall as I (am This window is just as wide as that one

2 . Please come here as soon as you can 请尽快来这里。

3 . 要使人成为真正有教养的人,必须具备三个品质:渊博的知识思维的习惯和高尚的情操。知识不多,就是愚昧;不习惯思维,就是粗鲁和蠢笨;没有高尚的情操,就是卑俗。

4 . made sb /sth +adj 使某人/某物如何……

5 . be made of 由……制成

6 . 不要使用双重比较级, 如:(误 His younger brother was more stronger than he

7 . A 当宾语是缺乏实义的代词it时,不能变,如:walk it, go it, fight it out

8 . 没有知识的热情是无光的火焰

9 . 欣赏艺术美,需要知识修养;领略自然美,同样需要知识修养。修养越深,展现在你眼前的美的疆域就越广阔,你获得的美感也越丰富。

10 . 例:We call the boy DaMao 我们称呼那个男孩大毛。


1 . The strength of the collective is boundless, while that of the individual is very limited

2 . Facts speak louder than eloquence (Actions speak louder than words

3 . 容易发生歧义的句子最好不用被动句,如:The tall doctor shook his head

4 . She asked to be sent to work in the countryside

5 . You have to believe in yourself That&#;s the secret of success——Charles Chaplin

6 . (正 His younger brother was much stronger than he His younger brother was stronger than he

7 . They would rather die as free men than live as slaves

8 . 冬天,将自己从被窝里掏出来,是人生最难的任务之一了。

9 . This idea was put forward by Mr Wheatley Children are well taken care of in the nurseries

10 . 一个人可以失败很多次,但是只要他没有开始责怪旁人,他还不是一个失败者。——巴勒斯


1 . [注] most前,如果没有the,则不是表示比较,而表示 "很", "非常", 如: The present world situation is most favorable for the people The meeting proceeded in a most friendly atmosphere

2 . 当介词是in时,其前后的两个名词均不加任何成分(如物主代词或冠词,也不用复数。但 with 的复合结构不受此限制

3 . All the roads were cleared of snow Education must be combined with production labor

4 . We are brought freedom and happiness by the Party

5 . He is not likely to have been notified about it Cast iron is apt to be broken

6 . Is your father senior to mine? My father is junior to yours

7 . The food on the ship was no better than on any other ship on which Billy had sailed

8 . seem +adj

9 . 当然,我认为,通向智慧的唯一途径是知识,甚至是信息。不过,如果说哪一个国家曾经有过信息,曾经有过知识,那么这个国家就是德国。然而,这个国家被希特勒幼稚可笑的理论欺骗了……德国人还有一样东西(这在叔本华身上倒是没有的,那就是崇拜权威,这是一种中国式的对权威等级的崇拜,把人的各种头衔看得很重。

10 . [附注] 关于等差句有以下几点需要注意:




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