
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-11 11:17:02


1 . Iplaywithhim(我和他一起玩。

2 . 这三句话中单词hard和often修饰的都是动词,第三句话中单词too修饰的是形容词,它们都作状语。

3 . 谓语:

4 . The truth is that he has never been abroad(表语从句)

5 . 主语+系动词+表语:eg He is a student

6 . His hobby(爱好)is playing football(动名词)

7 . 构成形式:)名词)代词)名词短语)数词)不定式)-ing形式)名词从句

8 . I like China (名词

9 . )定语:是用来说明或者限制名词的成分,常用形容词或者相当于形容词的短语或从句担任。形容词放在名词之前,相当于形容词的短语或从句放在名词的后面。如:

10 . )连接性状语:连接上下文(顺序,递进,转折,让步,结果,推论,比较)。Firstcomesspring,thensummer


1 . 放在句子后面。句子的成分分布如下:

2 . (主语可以由从句充当,详见“主语从句”。

3 . He didn’t study hard so that he failed in the exam I like some of you very much

4 . 状语:用来修饰v, adj, adv, or 句子。

5 . Thebagistooheavy(这个书包太重了。

6 . They could hardly believe his words, ____________?(完成反意疑问)

7 . Please wait for me at home I&#;ll call _______ you at your house at seven tonight

8 . 表示选择,常用的连词有or, either…or…, otherwise等。eg Hurry up, or you&#;ll miss the train

9 . Youprobablywon’thearopportunityknockifyourtelevisionisalwayson

10 . 请分析下面句子的结构说出各个成分


1 . It sounds a good idea

2 . Mr Smith lives on the third floor(地点状语)

3 . You must be careful with your pronunciation(改为祈使句)

4 . 补语跟着宾语表语跑,定语同位(语)专把名词踹。

5 . He didn’t study hard so that he failed in the exam

6 . 据广州中心气象台资料显示:广州市……创年以来广州春节的最高气温。(《新民晚报》年月日)

7 . He has lived in the city for ten years(介词短语)

8 . I enjoy listening to popular music(动名词短语)

9 . 表示连接两个同等概念,常用and, not only…but also…, neither…nor…, then等连接。eg The teacher&#;s name is Smith, and the student&#;s name is John

10 . (六)宾语补足语:英语中有些及物动词,除有一个直接宾语以外,还要有一个宾语补语,才能使句子的意义完整。带有宾语补足语的一般句型为:某些及物动词(如make等+宾语+宾补)。宾补可由名词形容词副词不定式分词介词短语和从句充当。例如: His father named him Dongming(名词)


1 . 状语:修饰词,短语,从句和整句。位置:自由自在。

2 . We study English He is asleep

3 . He was elected monitor

4 . 浑身的毛病真呀真不少,前后乱窜它还会加塞。(RAP)

5 . The boys playing football are in Cla (现在分词

6 . 主语:

7 . Last night she didn&#;t go to the dance party because of the rain(原因状语)

8 . 句子结构----简单句的五个基本句型

9 . The future is bright; the road is tortuous 前途是光明的,道路是曲折的。

10 . Seventy-four! You don’t look it (代词


1 . (定语)主语(状语)谓语(定语)宾语(状语)

2 . 定语:修饰或限制名词或代词的词词组或句子。

3 . If you study hard, you will pass the exam He goes to school by bike

4 . How many dictionaries do you have? I have five(数词)

5 . He was so tired that he fell asleep immediately(结果状语)

6 . He is a teacher (名词

7 . 主语补语

8 . 有的动词能够接双宾语,直接宾语指的是动词所涉及的物,间接宾语是指受益于动词所表示行为的人。

9 . 修饰或限制名词或代词的词词组或句子。

10 . He hates you (代词


1 . Wearemadehappytoloveothers…wearemadelonelytoloveourselves(主补)

2 . (主语一般在句首,但在问句中会处于第二位和句尾;倒装句及therebe句型主语在动词之后。如:Computersaremadeinthisfactory(计算机生产于这家工厂。/Wherearethey?(他们在哪儿?/Doestheboylikestayinghome?(这个男孩喜欢呆在家里吗?

3 . 广东湛江市举行首届教育艺术节。(《戏剧电影报》年月)

4 . 表语(predicative): 系动词之后的成分,表示主语的性质状态和特征。

5 . This magazine comes out(出版)every other week(对画线部分提问)

6 . 主语 + 及物动词 +宾语 She likes English

7 . The moon is shining brightly(改为感叹句)

8 . Thestudentsstudyhard(这些学生学习努力。

9 . 主语 + 系动词 +主语补语 She is happy.

10 . We elected him monitor (名词) We all think it a pity that she didn’t come here (名) We will make them happy (形容词) We found nobody in ( 副词




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