
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-13 12:24:30


1 . 我知道感情不能拿来比较,但无意中还是习惯抱怨他所缺少的。

2 . Merry Christmas and happy New Year!

3 . It’s not easy to change friendship into love But it&#;s harder to turn love into friendship

4 . 愿你度过最美好的圣诞节!

5 . When you feel hurt and your tears are gonna to drop Please look up and have a look at the sky once belongs to us If the sky is still vast,clouds are still clear, you shall not cry because my leave doesn&#;t take away the world that belongs to you

6 . The unexamined life is not worth living混混噩噩的生活不值得过

7 . Learn and live活着,为了学习

8 . It’s never too late to mend(过而能改,善莫大焉;亡羊补牢,犹未晚也。)

9 . 有些人,一辈子都不会在一起。但是有一种感觉却可以藏在心里一辈子。

10 . 真正的朋友会在整个世界都离你远去的时候,仍然与你并肩。


1 . 学到东西,是一种礼物。哪怕,教你学习的老师叫做疼痛。

2 . I love you, not just words 我爱你,不是说说而已

3 . All things come to those who wait苍天不负有心人

4 . That&#;s that 通常是接在否定句后的,意思是:就这样了,不必再多说了。这样的语气是很强烈的,通常听的人可能会不太高兴。如果心上人不停地劝说你和他一起去看足球比赛,但是你真的很不喜欢, 也许一开始你只是很客气地说 I am not interested 如果对方还是一直说个没完:What do you want me to do to change

5 . In the holidays, there is no place like home

6 . From small beginning come great things(伟大始于渺小。)

7 . 心痛是上天的庇佑。这是上天用他的方式让你意识到他从错误的人手里将你救赎。

8 . we are never ever getting back together我们在也无法回到曾经。

9 . I know that my future is not just a dream

10 . May you have the best christmas ever 愿你度过最美好的圣诞节!


1 . 要有最朴素的生活和最遥远的梦想,即使明天天寒地冻,路远马亡。

2 . At Christmas and the coming year, wishing you peace, joy and happiness!

3 . 不求情意绵绵,但求天长地久。

4 . 晚安不重要,重要的是谁说的

5 . When love is not madness, it is not love

6 . You sneak 你很聪明狡猾。

7 . 失眠不要紧总会在某一个翻身之后睡着的~晚安~

8 . super junior从利特开始,到EIF结束。

9 . 我知道这世上有人在等我,但我不知道我在等谁,为了 这个,我每天都非常快乐。

10 . A cheery Christmas and the New Year hold lots of happiness for you!


1 . 你无意的一句晚安让习惯了一个人的我变得不习惯了

2 . 错过一个人最可怕的方式就是坐在他/她的身旁,你却知道永远都不会拥有他/她。

3 . May you have the best Christmas ever

4 . Why I must be a tiny part of others&#; life though I am such a nice person?

5 . 晚安,永远沉睡的从前。

6 . 当手里的每一张牌都是坏牌,想要赢一把的唯一办法就是打破游戏规则。

7 . The status quo 安于现状。

8 . 只要一个人还有追求,他就没有老。直到后悔取代了梦想,一个人才算老。

9 . Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm(无热情成就不了伟业。)

10 . Have a wonderful time enjoying christmas day and wishing you a new year that is happy in every way 愿明亮喜庆的圣诞烛光温暖一年中的每个日日夜夜,祝你欢欢喜喜度圣诞,高高兴兴过新年!


1 . A man&#;s best friends are his ten fingers人最好的朋友是自己的十个手指

2 . The worst way to miss someone is to be seated by his/her side and know you’ll never have him/her

3 . The world is his who enjoys it活着感到快乐,然后世界就属于你

4 . If I am the girl in your dreams如果我是你梦里的女孩

5 . Misfortunes tell us what fortune is(不经灾祸不知福。)

6 . 祝圣诞快乐,新年充满幸福和成功。

7 . Even in the snow falling, christmas lamp is not lit, christmas boots have not hung, with a little red riding hood santa claus are yet to come I had send a blessing to you: Merry christmas! 在雪花还没有飘落,圣诞神灯还没有点亮,圣诞靴子还没有挂起,带小红帽的圣诞老人还没有到来的时候我早早给你送去祝福:圣诞快乐!

8 . 我总想做你所爱的人。

9 . 恋爱中,干傻事总是让人感到十分美妙。

10 . Never put off what you can do today until tomorrow今日事今日毕!


1 . The word &#;impossible&#; is not in my dictionary在我的字典里找不到「不可能」这个字

2 . Hope all your christmas dreams come true! 愿你所有的圣诞梦想都成真!

3 . May Christmas and the New Year be filled with happiness for you

4 . 愿纯洁善良的主赐福与你,宽恕你所有的罪孽。祝你圣诞快乐。

5 . My eyes are the stars over your window,

6 . Love is hard to get into, but harder to get out of

7 . 爱情的秘密在双方的心灵中生成,但形体是表白爱惜的书。

8 . When we remove the stumbling block for others, we are creating ourselves a stepping stone too

9 . One today is worth two tomorrows(一个今天胜似两个明天。)

10 . A girl does not need a guy to be happy女孩们,即使没有男朋友,一样可以很快乐!




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