
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-14 08:28:20


1 . My cell phone is dead I can&#;t wait for my sister&#;s text message Is my sister as sorry as I am? But I wish my sister could feel me, too Good night to you, good luck! See you tomorrow

2 . Youth is not a time of life, it is a state of mind 青春不是一段年华,而是一种心境!

3 . The quiet night, the splendid sky! You go to the balcony to look at the sky, there are two meteors in front of you, one is called night, one is called Ann It fell into your hands Did you catch it? Sweet dream!

4 . 丹心映日月,赤诚浇新花。秋果结累累,桃李满天下。所有的诗词歌赋,都颂不完对您的尊敬和谢意。只想轻轻说一句:老师快乐!

5 . 恰逢感恩节,拜谢恩情当主张;昔年滴水恩,没齿都难忘。今朝常忆起,铭恩于心上;短信不在有多长,感激之意当奉上;愿你感恩节快乐幸福,开心健康。

6 . 爱情如毒,蛊惑人心,即使痛苦,却每个人都向往,只要你一旦上瘾,就无法再戒掉,甚至致命也会带着一丝微笑。爱情如糖,甜甜蜜蜜,两人共享,熬的时间不能太短又不能太过,短了火候不到,太长就会是过了头的苦。爱情如茧,一根植在宿命里的丝,剪不断,抽不完,岁月残败了年华,思念替代了誓言。

7 . Your name, my heart 你的名字,我的心事。

8 . My dear, I am like a fish living on land I need you to give me oxygen anytime and anywhere! I can&#;t live without you! I love you forever!

9 . 强国必强教,强教必强师。国家的未来在于教育,教育的成败在于教师。让尊师重教永远成为时代强音!为育人尽心,为强国效力!

10 . 献上最美好的祝愿。


1 . 千言万语道不尽的感谢,千回百转诉不尽的真情,在这个真情流露的日子里,我用最朴实的话语表达最真诚的问候,感恩节快乐。

2 . Even if I&#;m wrong, I hope you can make me happy instead of blaming me, I just don&#;t give up Even if the whole world betrayed me, I only need one person to stand with me

3 . Sometimes, miss day and night But when you appeared in front of us, yet you regard with equanimity有时候,日夜思念。可是当思念的人出现在眼前,你却安之若素。

4 . 园丁——崇高的称号,看那枝头绽放的鲜花,是您辛勤的汗水灌浇。祝福您:桃李满天下,春晖遍四方!

5 . 您用粉笔书写青春的热情,您用汗水挥洒奉献的脉动,您用辛劳延续学子的前途,您用无悔造就孩子的未来。

6 . The most merciless word in the world is not sorry, nor I hate you Instead, we can never go back again 这个世界上最残忍的一句话,不是对不起,也不是我恨你,而是,我们再也回不去。

7 . with best wishes for a happy new year!

8 . A true friend is the one who is proud of you when you succeed and doesn’t leave you when you fail真正的朋友,在你成功时,会引以为豪;在你失败时,会不离不弃。

9 . Dont worry about looking handsome,Or being strong and braveJust as you love me unconditionally,I love you just the same不要担心自己是否英俊,是否强壮,是否勇敢,我将无条件地爱你,就象你无条件地爱我一样。

10 . Standing on the balcony, enjoy you from behind to hold my feeling 站在阳台上,享受你从背后抱我的感觉。


1 . i hope you have a most happy and prosperous new year

2 . may the joy of new year be with you throughout the year

3 . One of the most happy moment, is to find the right person, he dote on you, pamper your habits, and love you all一个人最幸福的时刻,就是找对了人,他宠着你,纵容你的习惯,并爱着你的一切。

4 . may your new year be filled with special moment, warmth, peace and happiness, the joy of covered ones near, and wishing you all the joys of christmas and a year of happiness

5 . 秋风吹落枝头叶,吹不走树木成长的心愿;冰雪带来天寒地冻,挡不住来年的春天;岁月改变人的容颜,改变不了真挚的惦念;感恩节祝你快乐永远!

6 . Real happiness, not ecstasy, also not pain, it is slow, the big wave—— 真正的快乐,不是狂喜,亦不是苦痛,它是细水长流,碧海无波。

7 . Precious things are very few--That must be why theres just one for you可贵的东西世间稀少--这正是为什么属于你的只有我一个。

8 . 千言万语,表达不了我的感激之情;万语千言,说不出我心里的挂牵。感恩节又至,感谢你在风雨路上与我同行,感谢你的支持与鼓励。感恩节快乐,我最一生的知己。

9 . Sometimes, you have to let go to see if there was anything worth holding on to 有时候,你必须放手,才能明白是否真的值得拥有。

10 . 忘不了您和风细雨般的话语,荡涤了我心灵上的尘泥;忘不了您浩荡东风般的叮咛,鼓起我前进的勇气。老师,我终生感激您!


1 . Youre wonderful friend, and I treasure you more with every year你是一位难得的挚友,我对你的珍重与岁俱增。

2 . I dont wish to be everything to everyone, but I would like to be something to someone

3 . Romance is not terrible, terrible is that we do not dare to face, dare not to accept失恋并不可怕,可怕的是我们不敢去面对,不敢去接受。

4 . You d better not miss two things in life that the last bus to home and the person who deeply love you人生最好不要错过两样东西最后一班回家的车和一个深爱你的人。

5 . 您在阳光下孕育着人的灵魂,您在风雨中呵护着人的心灵,您在岁月里净化着人的思想。世界因你而更加美丽。祝您快乐,一切都好。

6 . 一直固执的以为面对什么事情我都能够坦然的微笑,可是,终于在你转身决定离去的一刹那,我泪如泉涌,不可抑制。这是,过往的幸福嘲笑着心中的疼痛,原来,世界上最痛的痛是离开。

7 . bless you: National, Jiaqing, people throughout the official sources, financial resources, both ways, popularity, humble, the geopolitical fate, reluctant, wish to cardiac wish

8 . may the glow of new year candle fill your heart with peace and pleasure and make your new year brighthave a love filled new year!

9 . 当你看到我给你的这份祝福,请将头用力撞墙,看到没有,你眼前无数的星星是我无限的`祝福,国庆快乐!

10 . wish many good w ishes for the holidays and the coming year


1 . 像大海一样澎湃的是您的内心,像天空一样高远的是您的胸怀,像高山一样深重的是您的恩情。敬爱的老师,祝您永远幸福,季季安康。

2 . I could hold you for a million years to make you feel my love我愿抱着你到天荒地老,让你感觉我满满的爱。

3 . how do i say i love you? how do i tell you i care? how do i tell you ive missed you, and let you know im here?我如何说我爱你?我如何告诉你我在乎你?我如何告诉你我一直都在想你?如何让你知道我就在这里?

4 . Love is like two people holding the rubber band, injured is always reluctant to let go of that one爱情就像两个拉着橡皮筋的人,受伤的总是不愿意放手的那一个。

5 . I heard that happiness is very simple It is easy to wash away when the time comes The philosophy of life is close to us, the most pitiless is not the person, but the time; The most precious thing is not money, but emotion; The most terrible thing is not the lovelorn, but the heart body not all; The most comfortable is not the hotel, but the home; The worst part is not the words, but the words The best is not the future, but today

6 . Sending you a kiss to say I’m glad that you are mine Happy the day!送你一个吻,悄悄的说我很高兴你是我的。情人节快乐!

7 . Love is take one s ease, and take one s ease of love is the most real爱情是自由自在的,而自由自在的爱情是最真切的。

8 . 国泰民安: wish our country flourishes and people live in peace

9 . An eye finds more truth than two ears 百闻不如一见。

10 . 我多想再一次注视您的目光,让热情重新把我的理想点燃;我多想再一次聆听您的讲课,让知识重新给我飞翔的翅膀。


1 . As always ,I hope the sweetheart festival to be joyful!一如既往的我,愿情人节快乐!

2 . 三尺讲台,三寸舌,三寸笔,三千桃李十年树木,十载风,十载雨,十万栋梁。

3 . Take a few minutes to appreciate what you have and how far you&#;ve come稍稍沉下心来,欣赏自己拥有的和所完成的。

4 . may the beauty and joy of new year remain with you throughout the new year!

5 . 想念您,怀念您——老师!对您的怀念与祝福将于日俱增,让一幕幕脉脉深情与祝福盈满,好人一生平安!

6 . 新年快乐!

7 . 以我所有的`爱心与真诚祝你及全家圣诞快乐。

8 . a happy new year to you

9 . Love is the moment of injury, do not want to let him see his weak side, in front of him to quietly wiped tears, turned his head is still a strong look happy喜欢是在受伤的时候,不想让他看到自己脆弱的一面,在他面前把眼泪悄悄抹掉,转过头依然是一副快乐坚强的模样。

10 . Never give up on the one you love especially if they are pushing you awaySometime they re pushing to see if your love will stand firm永远都不要放弃你爱的`人,尤其是把你推开的爱人有时候他只是想试探你对他的爱是否坚定不移。




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