
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-14 12:11:47


1 . Which is the way to the nearest shop?/ What’s wrong with you?/ What’s up?/ What’s the matter?

2 . 。noproblem

3 . When is your /his/her birthday? It&#;s March st

4 . )主句是___________,宾语从句要用___________。

5 . There is nothing in the world ______can frighten him We visited a factory _______makes toys for children

6 . Tom will call me as soon as he ___home Agets Bhas got Cgot Dwill get

7 . Afteryouhavefinishedthequestionnaire,youmaydecideifyourfriendisdoingverywellinprotectingtheenvironment

8 . 。或者是他,或者是我会得到比赛的特殊奖励。

9 . ( Is this museum_ they visited last month? A that B where C which D the one

10 . HehasbeeninHonolulueversince


1 . We won’t start the meeting ___our teacher arrives Athough Buntil Cwhile Dor

2 . It is an apple→They are apples

3 . ( Please tell me____A what is wrong with the boy B what is the boy wrong C what wrong the boy is

4 . 多莎兰格照片里的简单和直接的影像为过去的社交环境提供了_________沉思。

5 . 。patientwith

6 . -That boy who _____(run fastest is from our class

7 . ( ) –Can you tell me ______?–She is in the computer lab

8 . 。havefun

9 . B which way can I choose C how do I deal with my English D what’s wrong with my English

10 . ( No one can be sure____ in a million years


1 . A whom B which C who D whose

2 . The town ___we visited last week is much larger than beforeThe book ___ he bought is very interesting

3 . 。请热烈欢迎BeckyWang,她过去常常参加类似的活动。

4 . 若从句表达的是___________,规律,不管主句是什么时态,从句都用___________。

5 . )“so… that +从句”与“enough to”的替换

6 . (指示代词this,that要变为these,those。如:

7 . ( The teacher asked the students A if they were interested in chatting online

8 . Howmanysongshashelearnedsofar?

9 . ( --What time will Mr Brown be back to China? -- Sorry I don’t know ___

10 . She was busy, ____she couldn’t go to your birthday party last night A and B so C or D but


1 . 我从来没去那里。

2 . The car______my father bought last month is beautifulThe man______hair is white is his grandfather

3 . ( The old man __yesterday is a scientistAI spoke B I spoke to C whom I spoke D that I spoke to him

4 . ( His brother has worked there ________ he left schoo Awhen B after C since D until

5 . ( Your T-shirt is so cool Could you tell me ________?

6 . 形式:

7 . Yes, she does No, she doesn&#;t

8 . Crewards

9 . I like the rooms ______windows face south This is the desk ______legs were broken

10 . C.what mean Christmas does D.what Christmas means


1 . To my surprise, he gave me nothing __ I need This is the best dictionary __ I have ever used

2 . What&#;s your/ his /her phone number?

3 . ( —Can you tell me ______? —By doing more speaking A how I will improve my English

4 . A where B who C that D when

5 . 关系副词的用法

6 . ---Who is your new English teacher? ---Elena, the woman ____ is wearing a red T-shirt over there

7 . ( I wonder how long_______school?

8 . The woman ___ umbrella you took is angry about itHere comes a girl ___ handwriting is the best

9 . The house _______ we live in is very big/ The house _______ we live is very big

10 . Heisaboy→Theyareboys


1 . 复合句综合检测

2 . The boy is so strong that he can lift up the heavy stone He is such a clever boy that all of us like him

3 . ( The song ___ Jay Zhou sings are popular with students A why B whom C what D which

4 . ( The doctor ___I am waiting for is Mr Smith A which B whom C whose D why

5 . WhathaveyoudonesinceyoujoinedGreenerChina?

6 . I hate TV shows _________ are noisy and boringThe music __________ is gentle and quiet attracts me a lot

7 . It’s time to say goodbye to my school I’ll always remember the people _____ have helped me

8 . Dunchallenged-disdain

9 . Amerits

10 . ( She will hate him when she _more about him AknowsB know Cwill know Dis going to know


1 . I’ll tell her the good news when he _____ back Acame Bcomes Ccome

2 . He talked happily about the men and books________interested him greatly

3 . ____bynature,Jonesspokeverylittleeventohisownfamilymembers

4 . 你去过夏威夷吗?

5 . preparefor

6 . Do you want to go to a movie?

7 . anintricateadj一个复杂的

8 . 。haveahardtime

9 . nostalgian怀旧之情

10 . I’vebeenwithGreenerChinaforayear




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