
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-07-21 11:04:33


1 . My cell phone is dead I can&#;t wait for my sister&#;s text message Is my sister as sorry as I am? But I wish my sister could feel me, too Good night to you, good luck! See you tomorrow

2 . 以真诚为半径,用尊重为圆心,送您一个中秋圆圆的祝福……愿:爱您的人更爱您,您爱的人更懂您!the radius in good faith with respect to central, to send you a round of the mid-autumn blessing to: people love you more love you, you love the people

3 . wishing you all the happiness of the holiday season

4 . 新年新气象: as the new year begins, let us also start a new

5 . 祝你在节日和新的一年中享有无限的快乐。

6 . wishing you all the blessings of a beautiful new year season

7 . I love when someone&#;s laugh is funnier than the joke我喜欢那种笑得比笑话本身还有趣。

8 . Just because someone doesn‘t love you the way you want them to, doesn‘t meanthey don‘t 爱你的人如果没有按你所希望的方式来爱你,那并不代表他们没有全心全意地爱你。

9 . 衷心感谢您,我孩子的恩师。

10 . 爱情如毒,蛊惑人心,即使痛苦,却每个人都向往,只要你一旦上瘾,就无法再戒掉,甚至致命也会带着一丝微笑。爱情如糖,甜甜蜜蜜,两人共享,熬的时间不能太短又不能太过,短了火候不到,太长就会是过了头的苦。爱情如茧,一根植在宿命里的丝,剪不断,抽不完,岁月残败了年华,思念替代了誓言。


1 . may the glow of new year candle fill your heart with peace and pleasure and make your new year brighthave a love filled new year!

2 . Sometimes, miss day and night But when you appeared in front of us, yet you regard with equanimity有时候,日夜思念。可是当思念的人出现在眼前,你却安之若素。

3 . 新的一年,向你献上最诚挚的祝福。

4 . , my dear, when the taxi is gone, I will look at you, and I will not be sad, because I think I will have your phone report and good night Missing is the taste of life

5 . Winter is an etching, spring a watercolor, summer an oil painting and autumn a mosaic of them all冬天是蚀刻画,春天是水彩画,夏天是油画,而秋天则是三者的美丽交织。

6 . I love you, just so you shine, I don t love you, you are nothing我爱你时,你才那么闪耀,我不爱你时,你什么都不是。

7 . We were given: Two hands to hold, Two legs to walk, Two eyes to see, Two ears to listen But why only one heart? Because the other one was given to someone else for us to find 上帝给我们两只手,两条腿,两个眼睛,两只耳朵,可为什么只有一颗心?因为他要我们去找谁带着配对的另一颗。

8 . Our love grows stronger with every passing year Happy Valentine’s Day, sweetie我俩的爱,一年比一年更坚定。亲爱的,情人节快乐。

9 . Sometimes, we are not out of the life to pain, but is learned to live with the pain有时候,我们并非走出了生活给的伤痛,不过是学会了带着伤痛继续生活。

10 . 我拜托一只最可爱的蚊子去找你,它会告诉你我很想你,并请它替我亲亲你,因为它会替我送上很多红包给你希望我是第一个祝福你中秋快乐的人!


1 . How can I make you see me at the moment when I m the most beautiful如何让你遇见我,在我最美丽的时刻。

2 . 在教师节的这一天,衷心的祝福您。

3 . 谈好恋爱的秘诀在于,不必严肃,但必须正经。选择好男人需要方法,在尚未抓到诀窍前只要学会说“不”。就算已经达到嘴对嘴的关系,也要保持手牵手的距离。

4 . There&#;s no sentiment without being injured when living in this world“生于这世上,没有一样感情不是千疮百孔的。”

5 . 大吉大利: wish you good fortune and every success

6 . 新年来临,祝新年快乐,愿你时时刻刻幸福欢乐!

7 . 国庆节之际,不想给你太多,只给你五千万:千万要快乐,千万要健康,千万要平安,千万要知足,千万莫忘记我!

8 . May you two share every day of life together till forever 愿你们一起分享生命中的每一天,直到永远。

9 . 衷心祝福来年快乐幸运!

10 . After breaking up, on your happiness, it is my sad face lonely分手以后,关于你的快乐,其实是我难过以后面对的落寞。


1 . The quiet night, the splendid sky! You go to the balcony to look at the sky, there are two meteors in front of you, one is called night, one is called Ann It fell into your hands Did you catch it? Sweet dream!

2 . i please a mosquito looking for the most lovable you, it will tell you i want you, and ask it for me truth between kindsfold you, as it will for me to send you a lot of red envelopes i hope i was the first one you wish a happy mid-autumn festival!

3 . 喜欢你的人,要你的现在。爱你的人,要你的未来。真正的爱情,不是一见钟情,而是日久生情;真正的缘份,不是上天的安排,而是你的主动;真正的关心,不是你认为好的就要求她改变,而是她的改变你是第一个发现的;真正的矛盾,不是她不理解你,而是你不会宽容她。

4 . , the cloud of the evening light Yi fell and the hongyun is my heart that this day love you thousand back again, this night again and again, think you a good night take you dream, a love you away, tired, worry, and sorrow

5 . may the new year be a time of laughter and real enjoyment for you best wishes

6 . hope all your new year dreams come true!

7 . Don&#;t lie to people who trust you, and don&#;t trust people who lie to you 不要对相信你的人撒谎,也不要相信对你撒谎的人。

8 . wishing you all the blessings of a beautiful christmas season

9 . 年年有余: may you always get more than you wish for

10 . Love is one thing, love is another matter情是另外一件事,爱情是太奢华的事。


1 . May I wish that all Jacks shall have Jills, all shall be well天下有情人终成眷属

2 . 人和人,别说配不配,合适就好,一块钱的打火机,也能点着万块钱一包的香烟,几万块钱一桌的菜,还是离不开两块钱一包的盐,人生,哪有事事如意,生活,哪有样样顺心,所以,不和别人较真,因为不值得,不和自己较真,凡事啊,知足就好!

3 . 在这馥郁芬芳的季节,举国欢腾的日子,有一种心情叫牵挂,有一种思维叫想念。衷心祝你,国庆快乐。

4 . 祝福您:国庆家庆普天同庆,官源财源左右逢源,人缘福缘缘缘不断,情愿心愿愿愿随心。

6 . new year should be a time of banked-up fines, the scent of flowers and wine, good talk, good memories and loyalties renewed but if all else is lacking - love will do

7 . here‘s a tender new year kiss from you know who

8 . 祝老师新年充满平安和爱。

9 . 祝节日幸福如意。

10 . You are not only a good teacher but our close friend Thank you for helping us make something of our lives


1 . The more you care, the more you have to lose ------ 越在意,失去的就越多。

2 . No matter what happens, don&#;t give up There will be some unexpected scenery Maybe it&#;s not the way you wanted to go, but the other road has a different scenery, so don&#;t linger on the original road Here you will have a better view

3 . wishing you and yours a happy happy new year

4 . Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire

5 . 新年快乐!

6 . 就知道明天你会被铺天盖地的短信包围,英明的我一早就让祝福跨过高山越过高楼大厦穿过大街小巷,闪过卖茶叶蛋的老太太,钻进你的耳朵:中秋快乐!

7 . 愿你拥有新年所有美好的祝福。

8 . warm greetings and best wishes for happiness and good luck in the coming year

9 . From majestic mountains and valleys of green to crystal clear waters so blue, this wish is coming to you越过青翠的峻岭和山谷,直到晶莹湛蓝的水边,飞来了我对你的祝愿。

10 . Happy Valentines Day!!情人节快乐:




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