
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-15 05:16:25


1 . 平庸的人最大缺点是常常觉得自己比别人高明。

2 . "To, the, world, you, may, be, one, person, but, to, me, you, may,, be, the, world, Shuangcheng""

3 . ●今天人类主宰着整个生物圈。我们利用自己的能力改造了人类社会,使越来越多的人类成员过上了健康富裕的生活。但是有了能力,责任也随之而来。整个生物圈未来千百年的命运,将取决于我们人类的抉择,因为我们今天已经掌握了足以改变全球的强大能力。我们正在改变全球地下水资源,我们占用了地球绝大多数的土地和资源,使其他物种的生存变得举步维艰。如今,地球物种的灭绝速度,超过了过去万年的任何时期。----大卫·克里斯蒂安《极简人类史》

4 . 挥霍无度的人,等于将自己的前途抵押了出去。

5 . ●我们常以为知道别人在想什么,可是有时候不但不对,而且还错得很离谱----阿加莎·克里斯蒂《逆我者亡》

6 . 青年人的教育是国家的基石。

7 . 人生很短暂也因此宝贵,所谓什么都不干的休息其实是对宝贵生命的浪费,在这些空闲时间里,可以做一些有用而快乐的事情,对富兰克林来说,工作本身就是快乐的,研究就像欣赏一般,所以他在休息时间也不放弃工作

8 . 忠诚老实:不要说有害于人的谎话,要表里一致。

9 . 我老早就巴望着和一家人站在上层甲板上,等候那激动人心的片刻,看着船离开海岸,平稳地前进,然后驶入另一个世界。可是,现在不能这样做了,我被狼狈地关在自己房舱里,只好从舷窗里向外张望。

10 . 缺少谦虚就是缺少见识。


1 . 在这样严酷的考验中,基格成为幸存者的领袖,由此他认为自己的陈述足以代表所有人。在那最为恶劣的条件下,他们共同生活,迫于环境不得不分享他们生活中最私密的方方面面,在那几个月中共同见证了彼此最坏和最好的时刻。详尽的描述可以更好地记录历史吗?----罗伯特·马歇尔《黑暗弥漫》

2 . , it is the best of times, it was the worst of times; it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness; it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredlity; it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness; it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair; I have witnessed everything, we are blind to everything; we were all going direct to heaven, we were all going direct the other way -- hell In short, it was very similar to the present, and some of the most noisy authorities insisted on the superlative of adjectives For better or for worse, it is the superlative of the comparative -- Dickens&#;s the book of Shuangcheng

3 . 为了你,为了你所亲爱的任何人,我愿意做任何事情。倘若我的生命中有值得牺牲的可能和机会,

4 . , what I have done is the best thing I ever did in my life What I am about to achieve is the most peaceful and peaceful rest of my life -- Dickens&#;s the book of Shuangcheng

5 . 世上哪有那么多坏人。有很多人只是运气不好罢了。

6 . 道路,于是她的种种行为使她一步步失去了读者的谅解。最后,恶人有恶报,她戏剧性地因为手q走火而

7 . 如果有心胸开阔:不要为令人不快的区区琐事而心烦意乱,悲观失望。

8 . 没有乌黑泥泞的`河流,哪能衬托出太阳的灿烂光辉呢?

9 . 绝望毁掉了一些人,而傲慢则毁掉了许多人。

10 . 虚荣是骄傲的食物,轻蔑是它的饮料。


1 . 这不意味着我将来不打算谈恋爱(我当然会谈啦。可我如今明白,与自己建立的这种关系是我想要与另一半相处的模式。我友善耐心温柔友爱又宽容。我对自己犯的错误一笑了之。我强大而勇敢。这便是我想要的对象,也是我希望同他建立起的恋爱关系。

2 . 卓别林是世纪最伟大的批判现实主义电影艺术家,世界上最著名的喜剧电影明星。他最大的贡献是他把为笑而笑的庸俗“闹剧”,提到批判现实主义艺术的高度。他以独特的喜剧艺术表演风格和辛辣的讽刺,尖锐的批判了资本主义社会的罪恶。一生主演过八十多部影片,他的喜剧性的表演令人捧腹大笑,但是又使人笑后感到泪水的苦味,充满了对受压迫受欺凌的人们的同情。在这部自传中,反映的不仅仅是一部电影史。更有价值的是他对有关电影艺术的见解。

3 . I decided to get up, but could not move, I then found lying on his back, arms and legs are tightly tied to the ground; my hair is long and thick, was tied to the ground。 I felt from my armpit to my thigh with a few strings attached to my body。 I can only look up, the sun is getting hotter and the sun pricked his eyes。 I heard the noise of the people around me, but I lay like that, and I could see nothing but the sky。 After a while, only to find a living thing squirming in my left leg, it crossed my chest, walking slowly forward, almost came to my front chin。 My eyes look as much as possible, but the original is a length less than six inches, holding the bow, carrying a quiver of the living。 At the same time, I think there are at least forty to a man as like as two peas (I guess) behind him。 I was so surprised that I roared and scared them back and ran。

4 . 二十岁时支配作用的是意志,三十岁时是机智,四十岁时是判断。

5 . 如果你懂得量入为出,那你就可以致富了。

6 . 失足,你可能马上复站立;失信,你也许永难挽回。

7 . 演艺生涯

8 . ●一切真的都很简单,健康的爱和快乐就是一切----阿加莎·克里斯蒂《沉默的证人》

9 . 我想,被人需要和被人爱一样好,也许更好呢。

10 . 就这样被感动了。它是一部波澜壮阔的历史,它是一个感人肺腑的故事,它更是一种纯洁而高尚的爱。它就是狄更斯笔下的《双城记》。全书充溢着扑朔迷离的色彩,作者以一连串引人入胜的故事为框架,以十八世纪法国大革命为背景。在黑暗的资本主义社会里,农民阶级和工人阶级忍受着资产阶级无情的剥削。正如作者所说:“昌盛而又衰微,笃诚而又多疑,光明而又黑暗,这是充满阳光希望的黎明,又是阴暗失望的长夜,人们拥有一切,却两手空空。”而主人公西德尼·卡尔顿露西·曼内特和查尔斯·达尔内之间真挚的情感,成为这部名著亮丽的一笔。


1 . 一天傍晚,我去圣西米恩度周末,玛丽昂出来接待我时,神情很紧张。原来,有一个客人在园地里走过,被人用剃刀给刺伤了。玛丽昂一激动就会口吃,但这一来反显得更加妩媚,那样儿好像是小说中的一位落难佳人。

2 . 童年

3 . 把钱用在对自己对别人都有益的事情上,不要错花一分钱。

4 . ●世纪中叶,大部分天文学家积累了足够的证据,证实上述猜测正是以前发生过的事实。我们发现,人类并非唯一拥有历史的创造物。地球有自己的历史,整个宇宙也有自己的历史。自世纪中叶以来,我们开始能够讲述这段历史,并将人类历史视为一部更宏大更科学的“创世史”的一部分。本章人类史“前传”希望以世纪的知识视野,向大家提供这部大历史的概览。(几乎人类的每个社会都有一套自己的解释宇宙起源的故事,这些创世故事—对那些相信它的人来说并非“神话”—试图为所有生命赋予意义,这些意义通常反映了他们各自的文化来源。)宇宙出现在大约亿年前,源于宇宙学家所说的“大爆炸”。----大卫·克里斯蒂安《极简人类史》

5 . 小说的第三卷,作者把讽刺的锋芒指向了当代英国哲学家,脱离实际沉溺于幻想的科学家,荒诞不经的发明家和颠倒黑白的评论家和历史家等,以及英国对于爱尔兰的殖民统治和压迫的揭露。

6 . ●我们试图理解这段视频为何会触动数百万人深切的情感之弦。是由于克里斯蒂安表现出的无条件的爱?是由于它关乎成长和分离的主题?是由于它触及了失落和孤独感,以及重聚的快乐?是否人们在以自己的情感和需求度量他们与动物的关系,以及动物所给予的安慰和陪伴?在技术支配一切,电脑游戏取代户外活动的状况下,我们是否都已过于疏离自然世界?这是不是对于一个时代的乡愁,在那个时代,童年更无忧无虑更安全,年轻人有更多的自由和时间去冒险?----安东尼·布尔克《我在伦敦买了一头狮子》

7 . 把别人对你的诋毁放在尘土中;而把别人对你的恩惠刻在大理石上。

8 . 真话说一半常常是弥天大谎。

9 . 接着,格列佛来到巫人岛。岛上的总督精通魔法,能随意召唤任何鬼魂,格列佛因此会见了古代的许多名人,结果发现史书上的记载很多不符合史实,甚至是非颠倒。尔 后,格列佛又游览了拉格耐格王国,见到一种长生不老人"斯特鲁布鲁格"。离开该国后,格列佛来到日本,然后乘船回到英国。


1 . I just did it And let go of trying to look 我只是一个人独处,并不去想怎么尽量看起来酷。

2 . 良好的态度对于事业与社会的关系,正如机油对于机器一样重要。

3 . Schedule It And don&#;t cancel on yourself 计划时间,不要取消与自己的约会。

4 . , when the saints are also, when the perpetrators are also This is also a benighted world, and this is also the wisdom of the world This is also a bright season, this is also bleak season This is also a year, this year This is the spring of the dolly, who read the Man or everything, man or nothing The US made its permanent fall dust float upon the clouds -- Dickens&#;s the book of Shuangcheng

5 . The writing is simple and simple。 The writer once declared, "I would like to describe the ordinary facts with the simplest and simple writing style, because I write this book mainly to report to you, not for your entertainment。" Although Gulliver travel around the world, different scenarios encountered different, but after the whole novel layout, consistent style, Gulliver every sea antecedents and consequences have a detailed explanation, the complicated plot according to the time and space sequence of description, the text concise and vivid, strong story, and so。 For a long time at home, but also with the "read Gulliver" to the sea。 This time, Gulliver rides the ship was hijacked ship, Gulliver escaped, was rescued by a flying island called "Laputa"。 These people look abnormal, strange clothing, all be in a brown study。 The king and the nobility lived in the flying island, people live in Balnibarbi island on three。 Gulliver left the flying island, Balnibarbi came to visit, and visited the island&#;s "La Polytechnic college"。 The Academy&#;s department is the result of the topic be a wild legend, everywhere desolate, the collapse of the housing, the people had no food, no clothes。

6 . 我未曾见过一个早起勤奋谨慎诚实的人抱怨命运不好;良好的品格,优良的习惯,坚强的意志,是不会被假设所谓的命运击败的。

7 . 当查尔斯因为家族的犯罪而被无辜判决死刑,西德尼竟然代替他去断头台接受行刑。在生命与爱之间,他选择了后者。他爱露西,为了她的幸福,他为她的爱人献出自己的生命。当他走上断头台的时候,面上依然保持着笑容,他信守对露西的诺言……因为,他的爱便是他的生命。此时此刻,我的脑海中想起了裴多菲的那首诗:“我愿意是急流/山里的小河/在崎岖的路上/岩石上经过/只要我的爱人是一条小鱼/在我的浪花中快乐地游来游去……”

8 . I realize this may sound super dorky You&#;re probably thinking that I must be pretty weird and very lonely Interestingly enough, I was way more lonely before I started spending time alone The feeling like I needed to be around people all the time to take a deep breath -- that was loneliness The feeling of complete anxiety and fear when a boyfriend broke up with me -- that was loneliness But this? This is peace This is fun This is what self-esteem is built of Here&#;s how I learned to spend time alone

9 . 过去一年中,我选择保持单身。这不是因为环境因素,不是因为没人约我出去或是我不能找到合适人选。有些人很难相信我选择不去约会。大姨和大学同学们老是对我投以怪异的眼神和不解地咕哝。为什么会有人愿意保持单身?愿意独自一人消磨时光?没有继续在Tinder上相亲的我,难道不是错过了生活(的乐趣吗?要是我命中注定的另一半就在Tinder上,但我因为忙着保持单身而错过了他,那怎么办?

10 . 小说中还有一个人物,就是让人有点憎恶的泰雷兹·德伐日。失去亲人使她活着的唯一意义就是革命胜


1 . Make a list of your favorite things And don&#;t wait for anyone 列出你最爱的事物,不要等任何人跟你一起去践行。

2 . , this is the best of times, it was the worst of times; it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness; it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness; it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair; people before everything, we had nothing before us; people are on the way to heaven, we were all going to the gates of hell -- Dickens&#;s the book of Shuangcheng

3 . , what I have done now is far better than all that I have done; the rest I will get is sweeter than all that I know Charles Dickens, the book of Shuangcheng

4 . That doesn&#;t mean I don&#;t plan on dating other people in future -- I definitely do But I know now that the relationship I&#;ve built with myself is a model for the relationship I want to be in I&#;m kind and patient and gentle and loving and forgiving of myself I laugh at my mistakes and I let go of my errors I am strong and courageous That&#;s the kind of person I want to be with and the type of relationship I hope to be in

5 . Later someone told me that there are a few people from the waist to the ground because I jump between them, actually hurt himself。 But they soon came back again。 A person go to him to see my whole face, he lifted his hands looked up, surprised, shouting with a sharp and clear voice: "the boss, Gul" the rest of the sentence shouted several times, but I still do not know what they mean。 The readers could believe that I had been lying like this very uncomfortable, and finally struggled to get rid of it。 Lucky me, suddenly broke the rope and pulled out of the ground that tied my left arm peg。 I put my left arm up to the front, only to find the way they bind me。 At this time, I pulled hard, though it was very painful, I loosened the rope that tied my hair on the left side, so that I could slightly turn my head two inches。 But before I could catch them, they ran away; they shouted, shrill shouts after, I heard someone shouted loudly: "brother in Thor ng"; in a blink of an eye, I feel a hundred arrows hit my left hand, like the needle stung me; they continued to the sky shot for a while, as we lost like the Europeans, I think there are a lot of arrows on me (although I don&#;t think), some also fell on my face, I hurried to cover his face with his left hand。 This burst of arrows later, I was overwhelmed by grief to groan, after a while I was struggling to get out, they put a longer than those who just put arrows, some people still want to use a spear to my waist; fortunately, I was wearing a leather vest, they stabbed in。

6 . 而在整篇小说中,最让我喜欢也是最令人感动的就是律师助手——西德尼·卡尔顿。他一出场就带着一身忧郁,隐去了光芒,总是灰心失望冷漠凄凉。他妥协于周围环境,但有时却又显得格格不入,作为律师助手的他才华出众,却甘心情愿躲在人后,做别人成功的垫脚石,他仿佛亲手筑起了一堵墙,隔绝了名利社会,默默地逗留在角落里。他与查尔斯长得十分相似,也同样深爱着露西,然而两者命运却截然不同。他羡慕查尔斯,也恨他。可在经历痛苦的煎熬后,他依旧带着诚挚的祝福,愿露西与查尔斯永远幸福,因为“爱比恨更为强有力得多”。这个表面上懒散放纵的“无用之徒”,内心却是崇高而纯洁的。

7 . 尽管小说以一个意外的“大团圆”收场,但当读者流着眼泪读完该书时,却感到无限的遗憾心酸。有人说爱情是自私的,但在狄更斯的《双城记》中,我却能深深地感受到一种超脱世俗的最纯洁最崇高的爱。它隐藏在内心深处,但却无比的深厚;它默默地承受煎熬,为的只是使心爱的人幸福;它总是无私地付出,而不求一点儿的回报。这种爱在无形中上升到一个新境界,永恒地放着凄美而迷人的光彩。

8 . 傻瓜的心在嘴里,聪明人的嘴在心里。

9 . 像第一次或最后一次看到一样去观察一切。这样,你在世上的日子就会绚丽多姿。

10 . 懿行美德远胜于貌美。


1 . 进入联美

2 . 我打算起来,却动弹不得,我仰天躺着,这时才发现胳膊腿都紧紧地被缚在地上;我的头发又长又密,也被缚在地上。我觉得从腋窝到大腿,身上横绑着几根细绳。我只能向上看,太阳渐渐热起来,阳光刺痛了眼睛。我听到周围人声嘈杂,可是我那样躺着,除了天空以外,什么也看不见。过了一会儿,只觉得有个活东西在我左腿上蠕动,它越过我胸脯,慢慢地走上前来,几乎来到我的下颔前了。我尽可能用眼睛朝下望,却原来是一个身长不到六英寸手里拿着弓箭背着一个箭袋的活人。同时,我觉得至少还有四十来个一模一样的人 ( 我猜想 ) 跟在他的后面。我非常吃惊,大吼了起来,吓得他们回头就跑。

3 . 我现在知道了,我不会在恋爱关系中有所保留,而将会是全身心投入。因此无论这段关系是否有好的结果,在内心深处我都没有任何损失。我仍然是我自己,我仍然完好无损,我同自己建立起的友谊依旧存在,那是我在过去年中渐渐了解并爱上的。这便是我所知的最大欣慰。

4 . 恶习知道自己委实很丑陋,所以往往戴了假面具。

5 . , this is the worst of times, but it is also the best of times -- Dickens&#;s the book of Shuangcheng

6 . 原谅是一份价值不菲的礼物。而且一分钱都不要花。

7 . 诚实是最好的政策。

8 . 以想象的,然而为了发泄积愤却拿侯爵兄弟的儿子及其家人抵罪,她走上了一条与那些伪贵族同样残忍的

9 . In the beginning of the novel, the tone of the whole book is laid by the strange idea。 Gref was a storm on the island, woke up and found himself has been more than people tied up。 This passage vividly depicts the manners and behaviors of the young people who first entered Gulliver&#;s vision, especially their behavior of constantly shooting arrows and sting Gulliver, which laid the foreshadowing for the future development of the plot。

10 . 大声说出我正和自己相约,一点也不让我尴尬,而且它是我所有的关系中最滋养人最持久也最不会引发焦虑的。我不需要等待他人的回复(或是费神考虑我的短信是否太过轻浮有求于人或是冗长啰嗦,另外我也不会再有那种就是有人无法明白我的感觉了。


1 . ●但你是个中年男子,是个医生,你应该知道我们生活中的大多数事情不是愚蠢的就是为了虚荣。----阿加莎·克里斯蒂《罗杰疑案》

2 . 在小说中,狄更斯成功地塑造了主要人物鲜明的个性。曼内特是个深爱女儿的父亲,在经历磨难后仍宽容地把女儿嫁给仇人的儿子;露西是温柔善良的贤妻良母,为了让丈夫能看自己一眼每天风雨不改地到大墙对面站立两小时;查尔斯是个正直豁达的贵族,与露西相爱,为了爱情甘愿放弃爵位与财产。

3 . 记得就在那一片混乱中,他搀着我走出去,向观众解释了几句,就把我一个人留在舞台上了。于是,面对着灿烂夺目的脚灯和烟雾迷蒙中的人脸,我唱起歌来,乐队试着合了一下我的调门,就开始替我伴奏。那是一首家喻户晓的歌,叫《杰克·琼斯》。

4 . 美的欣赏是可以意会而不可以言传的;这随各人的心境志趣嗜好而不同。

5 . , what I do today is much better and better than what I have done in the past; the rest I enjoy today is better than all that I know; better - - Charles, Dickens, the book of Shuangcheng

6 . 终于,他向露西表达了自己的情感。每次读起那段话,难免感到心酸,“我希望你知道你是我灵魂最后的梦。我是在堕落的生活中看见你和你的父亲,还有你所经营的那个甜蜜的家,才恢复了我心中自以为早己死去的往日的梦想。我也因此才感到比任何时候都要凄凉可怜。自从我见到你以后,我才为一种原以为不会再谴责我的悔恨所苦恼。我听到我以为早已永远沉默的往日的声音在悄悄地催我上进…………”

7 . ●获得一件名牌奢侈品成了无数人的一股欲望,一样不应拒绝的美食,为了传达一种成功,一种人生的境界,宣告一种胜利,或者干脆就是为了得到承认。……柔美的皮革与丝绸店家的精心款待厚实的地毯艳丽的礼服……而在这一切背后,藏着的是饥肠辘辘的食人妖怪。----克里斯蒂安·布朗卡特《奢侈》

8 . 让我睡觉的时候,也一直做着梦,不让我虚度人生的每一分钟。

9 . 诚实和勤勉应该成为你永久的伴侣。

10 . 永别好莱坞




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