
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-06-13 13:11:47


1 . Wear masks, wash hands frequently, measure body temperature, disinfect frequently, gather less and ventilate frequently

2 . 你就象场戏剧,随时随地转换面具。

3 . 胸有凌云志,无高不可攀。

4 . 我咋又哭了,哎哟,我又没出啥力,还这么感动

5 . 浪漫七夕浪漫风,甜蜜爱情荡心中;多少动人故事里,一段佳话更永恒;收获生活的火红,美满姻缘不老情;祝愿天下有情人,携手幸福好人生。

6 . 有时候,会被一句话感动,因为真诚;有时候,会把回忆当作习惯,因为思念;有时候会,发一个短信给你,因为朋友!七夕节快乐!

7 . 强行者有志。

8 . It is hoped that front-line workers and Wuhan people in Wuhan can overcome the virus as soon as possible and restore normal life order Wuhan, hold on! Go China!

9 . 新年的钟声已经敲响,万紫千红的春天已经不远了,我相信:在全国人民的共同努力下,我们一定能打赢这场”战疫”。

10 . Snow scenery is beautiful, but in order to fight the epidemic in an all-round way, we still need to go out less and not gather together! When the spring is warm and the epidemic is over, lets have a look at the beautiful world!


1 . Seeing the white snow, I feel a sense of hope I hope that snow can purify the virus in the air, that the sick people will recover soon, that the people who are fighting in the front line will end the battle as soon as possible and go home for reunion I hope everything can start again after the snow melts

2 . .愿年过春来,黄鹤楼上看汉江澄澈已是新篇。

3 . 良好的健康状况和由之而来的愉快的情绪,是幸福的最好资金。

4 . 爱像云,只有自由飘浮才会最美;爱像树,只有本色自然才是真实;爱像水,只有学会珍惜才会永恒;七夕将至,祝你爱和爱你的人,幸福快乐!

5 . 你说的永远,不过是永不可能得到的长远。

6 . We must win the battle of epidemic disease! If one side is in trouble, support from all sides! We believe that when the spring is warm and the flowers are blooming, China will still be prosperous We believe that the hardworking and strong Wuhan people can create miracles, and the people of the whole country stand with you and wait for cherry blossom! Come on, Wuhan! Go China!

7 . )友谊具有亲情和爱情不可比拟的特质,学生时代你遇到一个朋友,并不是因为能从他身上得到什么,而是因为与他谈得来。平时,当你有心事的时候可以向对方倾诉,这种亲切真挚的情感也只有在学生时代才显得格外明朗。

8 . 向所有的英雄致敬,你们辛苦了,平安回家

9 . 你是烟,我是火,你需要,我不躲;你是花,我是肥,你美丽,我跟随;你是船,我是帆,你启航,我领先;你是菜,我是饭,你牺牲,我陪伴;七夕要快乐!

10 . 衣服脏了没人管,袜子破了自己连,早餐泡碗方便面,孤独日子猫陪伴,七夕情人相约见,谁人与我把手牵?尔若倍觉我可怜,回条信息给温暖!


1 . 青春的味道像可乐。她是充满活力,热血激昂的。对某个东西的好奇,对某件事情的热心,都是青春赐予我们的。

2 . )我就像现在一样看着你微笑沉默得意失落,于是我跟着你开心也跟着你难过,只是我一直站在现在,而你却永远停留过去。

3 . 疫情当前,爱不隔离。现在的幸福生活,就是因为有一个个“最美逆行者”的存在,是他们用“勇敢拼搏,不畏牺牲”的精神保护着我们。致敬这些“最美逆行者”,我们要用行动为他们点赞。

4 . 很多时候我们不知道,却假装知道;很多事情我们知道,却假装不知道;很多时候我们都假装自己活的很充实。

5 . 宁愿长点膘,不在外面飘。长膘是“富态”,乱飘是祸害。

6 . 把意念沉潜得下,何理不可得,把志气奋发得起,何事不可做。

7 . I really want to go out and play I really hope that the epidemic will end soon and the source of virus infection will be controlled as soon as possible

8 . 肺炎疫情不可怕,就怕有人乱溜达。

9 . 疫情就是命令,防控就是责任!

10 . )回忆总是选择最美的一页,那些未开的蓓蕾,只是青春的另一个注解,无怨无悔。


1 . 向英雄们致敬!每個中國人用無盡感激之情護送你们平安歸家!

2 . 少吃一顿团圆饭,您的亲情不会淡。

3 . Hope the world will never be plagued! Also wish my teachers, friends and colleagues to overcome the new coronavirus, as soon as possible safe return, Wuhan refueling!

4 . 器大者声必闳,志高者意必远。

5 . 沧海可填山可移,男儿志气当如斯。

6 . 有志者,事竟成。

7 . 少一次聚会,多一份安全。

8 . Facing the challenge with one heart, fighting the epidemic situation with one mind, looking forward to the spring, we march forward to the light, Wuhan refuels! Go China!

9 . I understand that the busyness of daily work, study and life is to deceive myself I have nothing What can really enrich my body and mind What makes me happy is never a foreign object, but a person who can chat with you for a long night, enjoy the vicissitudes of the world, appreciate the warmth and coldness of the world, and know that you understand you

10 . I hope that the infected patients can eliminate the virus in the careful treatment and care of medical workers, and at the same time use their strong ideas and their super immunity to fight against the virus I wish you all a speedy recovery and look forward to the day when you go home!


1 . Wear masks, wash hands frequently, do not give virus opportunity

2 . Go out less, gather less, wash hands frequently and ventilate frequently

3 . .我们总以为来日方长,却忘了世事无常。

4 . 青春是一个不可思议的伟大力量。它催发着青年人的躯体,启迪着他们的智慧。同时它也灌输着热烈的感情和坚强的理智。

5 . 七夕节到了,没有送你小礼,不代表我不爱你。没有对你甜言蜜语,不代表我不想你。有些人总跟我一样,表面不说我爱你,其实心里想死你。节日快乐。

6 . 与其外出要隔离,不如在家陪父母!

7 . 发条短信告诉你,我要去见你,让你笑,再告诉你,不是今天,让你哭。再告诉你,其实昨天我已经来到你身边,正准备做顿美餐犒劳你,七夕节快乐。

8 . 愿你梦到梦寐以求的人,见到日思夜想的人,约到心中所爱的人,追到长相厮守的人,抱到心仪相爱的人,找到七夕献吻的人,预祝你七夕快乐!

9 . 青春,如同一本打开就合不上的书。如不珍惜,好好品读,那它终将弃你远逝而去。于你不会存有丝毫怜悯。

10 . 感情有时候只是一个人的事情,和任何人无关。爱或者不爱,自行了断。


1 . 心志要坚,意趣要乐。

2 . )好的爱情是你通过一个人看到整个世界,坏的爱情是你为了一个人舍弃世界。

3 . Cherish every days life, because you never know which comes first, tomorrow or accident

4 . 非必要不出门。

5 . 少串门防止疫情扩散,多洗手杜绝病毒入侵。

6 . 严防重点关口加强监测排查

7 . 谢谢你们的努力付出!春天马上就要来临!辛苦了!

8 . 有朋友问我,她是该选航船,还是选港湾。我说这世界上没有不沉的船。

9 . 鹊桥相约,千里姻缘,七夕相会,互诉衷肠;花团锦簇,美景交融,五彩云集,幸福延延;爱意浓浓,回忆悠悠,相伴相依,白头偕老。愿有情人终成眷属!

10 . )我,爱你的时候明白了,这地球上最性感的关系是:男女之间的友谊。我也想拥你入怀,但不能因为那点卑微将最性感的友谊磨灭掉,所以忍住了!


1 . 七夕之夜,七时七分整;将此短信,转发诸亲朋。接收此信,即为有缘人;继续转发,美梦能成真;失手删除,友情亦甘醇;保存收藏,爱情定永恒!

2 . We should always remember the most beautiful moment and pay tribute to the angel in white who fought in the front line I hope you can overcome the virus as soon as possible and come back safely! Go China! Come on, Wuhan!

3 . 志气和贫困是患难兄弟,世人常见他们伴在一起。

4 . 哭死我了,不敢想象没有你们情况会有多糟糕,真的真的致敬所有的医护人员

5 . 男子千年志,吾生未有涯。

6 . If you eat less, your family will not fade

7 . 防控疫情全民参与,抗击肺炎人人有责。

8 . 口罩你不戴,病毒把你爱。

9 . .没有一个冬天不能逾越,没有一个春天不会到来。

10 . 做好新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎疫情防控工作,遏制疫情蔓延势头,确保人民生命安全和身体健康!


1 . Pray for Wuhan to win the virus as soon as possible! Let the brave and loving rebels go home safely as soon as possible! #Unite as one to fight the epidemic situation the motherland refuels, prays to defeat the virus as soon as possible

2 . )知音,不需多言,要用心去交流;友谊,不能言表,要用心去品尝。

3 . 传说七夕来临之际:为朋友祝福,想起谁就发过去,发给七个人,也包括我,如果有三人回你,你的愿望会在七夕实现,不准不发,因为我要你幸福!

4 . 过去就像回形针,把青春一页页的固定,然后变成了一本不被出版的书。

5 . )友谊能使人同舟共济,友谊能使人生活充实,五彩缤纷。如果失去了友谊,犹如航船在大海里失去方向,犹如红花失去绿叶没法生存。

6 . 丈夫志不大,何以佐乾坤。

7 . 谢谢你们为我们拼过命,致敬英雄,致敬大无畏,致敬无私付出

8 . 牢牢把握住青春,青春宛如一棵小树,我们要让这棵小树长成参天大树,这样我们才会有一个完美快乐的人生。

9 . .步入xx,一场突如其来的疫情把所有人敲懵了,好像每天醒来都有很多坏消息等着你去看。

10 . 不信谣不传谣,官方媒体最可靠。




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