
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-16 19:16:19


1 . Whose is it ? It’s my T-shirt

2 . Are you ready ? Yes , I’m ready !

3 . (“我越来越体会到我当初是多么幸运。”

4 . That one is correct

5 . 宽恕的话能减轻负罪感,治愈心灵。

7 . It’s okay。

8 . Iwantapairofsneakers

9 . (只要你不向任何人泄露我的住处,就算是知恩图报了。

10 . I was wrong。


1 . School is over 放学了。 / Class is over 下课了 。

2 . That’sexpensive

3 . 你很安全。

4 . We all want to feel that we are important to someone or something other than ourselves。

5 . The canteen is on the first floor This way , please

6 . Breakfast is ready !

7 . 一是“我”有个常常鼓励我的慈祥的母亲,她常常肯定“我”,给“我”力量,母亲的爱是“我”创作的灵感和源泉;二是“我”还有一个严厉的父亲,他的警告和教育,使我不走向歧途,“我”写了很多作品,出版发行了一部部作品的力量来自于父母两方面,所以我是多么的幸运。

8 . We’lltakethem/Iwilltakeit

9 . I support you。

10 . Is this the library ? Yes , it is


1 . 你很重要。

2 . Can I have a try ? Yes , you can

3 . Howaboutthispair?

4 . Just a minute

5 . Look at these (物品如:my clock…

6 . What are they ? These are your baby pants They’re so small

7 . 你就是那一个。

8 . Thisshirtiscolourful,butit’stoobig

9 . I’m here for you。

10 . You matter。


1 . Whatsize?Sizefive

2 . 这句话突出了父亲挖的时间长过程艰难,表现出父亲执著的信念和为救儿子所克服的巨大困难

3 . (国王无奈,只好张贴皇榜,重金悬赏捕捉九色鹿。

4 . Do you have a library ? / Do you have lunch at school ?

5 . Whose is this ? It’s your baby brother’s !

6 . Let’s go there / Let’s go to the … (Let’s go home )

7 . Aretheynice/allright?Yes,theyare/No,theyaren’t

8 . 当我们感觉脆弱或者恐惧时,这句话让我们有一种被保护的安全感。

9 . When making a tough decision, it means the world to know that someone is on your side no matter what。

10 . 了解仿写句子的基本要求,并学习简单的仿写。


1 . Where is my skirt ? It’s on …

2 . Where are my socks ? They’re on the bed

3 . There’s something about knowing that someone else has faith in you that revitalizes the faith you should have in yourself。

4 . It’s human nature to try to relate to others, so nothing is more frustrating than feeling misunderstood。

5 . Please pass me my T-shirt

6 . Itfitsmewell

7 . Few things top the feeling that comes with knowing that you stand out in an exceptional way to someone。

8 . So many colours !

9 . 我支持你。

10 . You can do it。


1 . Yes , I do / No , I don’t

2 . 小惠考试没考好,难过得哭了。我会对她说:小惠,别难过了。考试过程中谁都会紧张,难免会失误。这次,只是一时疏忽造成的。失败是成功之母!我相信你下次一定能考好。

3 . 我在这里。

4 . 如果你曾倚着朋友的肩膀哭过,你就能体会有人告诉你“一起都会好起来”时的感觉。

5 . 在作出一个艰难的决定时,如果能得到别人无条件的支持,就意味着所有。

6 . Let’s go and have a look / Let’s run

7 . Hurry up !

8 . My T-shirt is red (颜色

9 . (“他挖了小时,小时,小时,小时,没人再来阻挡他。”

10 . (他发誓永不暴露我的住地,谁知他竟然见利忘义!您与这种灵魂肮脏的小人一起来残害无辜,难道不怕天下人笑话吗?


1 . How many students are there in your class ? Thirty-five(数字

2 . You’re the one。

3 . This red T-shirt is pretty ( nice / beautiful / !

4 . Your school is beautiful ( cool …

5 . Is that the art room ? No , it isn’t

6 . When we feel vulnerable and afraid, these words have the power to restore the sense of security and protection that we crave。

7 . You’re safe。

8 . 我原谅你。

9 . Ilikeit

10 . (他斥责调达背信弃义,恩将仇报,并重重惩罚了他。




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