
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-01-22 19:56:20


1 . :coffee is lonely without cups i am lonely without you没有杯子,咖啡是寂寞的,没有你,是孤独的。

2 . Never let the demands of tomorrow interfere with the pleasures and excitement of today永远别让明天的期待,影响你享受今天的时光。

3 . The secret of business is to know something that nobody else knows。

4 . 五 Man can only be free through mastery of himself ( S E Morison 只有通过掌握自己,才能使自己得到解放。(莫里森

5 . Proper preparation solves percent of life&#;s problems

6 . A man&#;s best friends are his ten fingers

7 . Bravery never goes out of fashion

8 . 不要让小小的争端损毁了一场伟大的友谊。

9 . :precious things are very few in this world that is the reason there is just one you在这世上珍贵的东西总是罕有,所以这世上只有一个你。

10 . True love is visible not to the eyes but to the heart


1 . 人依靠物质就能生存,但只有拥有理想时,才叫生活。

2 . :老师,您是美的耕耘者,美的播种者。是您用美的阳光普照,用美的雨露滋润,我们的心田才绿草如茵,繁花似锦!

3 . 十二 It is never too late to fall in love 爱永远不会嫌晚。

4 . "Hope is Reattachment to exist, there exists, there is hope, there is hope, is bright - Lu Xun "

5 . Life is like a piano,what you get out of it,depends on how you play itNo sweat, no sweet

6 . 困难坎坷是人们的生活教科书。

7 . "From day wear non-hero, not being jealous is mediocrity "

8 . 你不能只是问顾客需要什么,然后根据他们的需要来生产。你会发现,当你生产出来的时候,顾客又想要别的新东西了。

9 . 十九 Brief is life, but love is long 生命虽短,爱却绵长。

10 . 成功的秘诀就是大家要一起努力。


1 . Don’t let a little dispute break up a great friendship

2 . 人生就像奕棋,一步失误,全盘皆输。——弗洛伊德

3 . Do not keep anything for a special occasion, because every day that you live is a special occasion

4 . "路是脚踏出来的,历史是人写出来的,人的每一步行动都在书写自己的历史。——吉鸿昌"

5 . "人的生命是有限的,可是,为人民服务是无限的,我要把有限的生命,投入到无限为人民服务之中去。——雷锋"

6 . 永远不要不要不要不要放弃。(英国首相 丘吉尔

7 . "You don&#;t always have to be niceSometimes,just show your bad side and you will konw who can accept the real you你不必时时刻刻都表现的那么完美。有的时候先把自己不好的一面展现出来" ,这样 你 就能知 道 谁 能接受一个真正的你。

8 . 对任何技能的掌握都需要一生的刻苦操练。

9 . 千里之行,始于足下。

10 . 英瓦尔-坎普拉德,宜家创始人


1 . Energy and persistence conquer all things

2 . :you had me at hello在第一次见面时你就拥有了我。

3 . "Life is like a drama, play their own role in the play is the key to success "

4 . A man&#;s best friends are his ten fingers

5 . 人生不售来回票,一旦动身,绝不能复返。

6 . 让阳光普照你所有的日子,让浪花沐浴着你的人生之旅,让彩虹披满你的锦绣前程,愿你的整个人生充满着欢笑,充满着爱。

7 . Sweat is the lubricant of success

8 . "Stop worrying so much Worry will not strip tomorrow of its burdens, it will strip today of its joy 不要杞人忧天。烦恼并不会减少明天的负担,却会失去今天的快乐。"

9 . "Geng not as fertile mind, good for treasure with endless We should have purity of heart, to be charitable for the public It will be a blessing boundless - Fang Sea Power "

10 . 长相思,天涯海角;情不断,山水难隔。 --拜伦


1 . A friend is a gift, whose worth cannot be measured except by heart

2 . 君子坦荡荡,小人长戚戚。——孔丘

3 . "Life does not sell return tickets, once the leave, never return "

4 . "Who is the game of life, he would accomplish nothing; who can not master of its own, will always be a slave - Goethe "

5 . 祝贺你的毕业!希望你有一个成功的未来,感受到梦想成真的快乐。

6 . :拥有感恩的心,你会感谢善良的人们给予你的每一份善意,无论相识不相识。

7 . 没有什么不可能!

8 . Man can survive, only when he has the substance, man can live only when he has ideal

9 . 不要将你的东西为了某一个特别的时刻而预留着,因为你生活的每一天都是那么特别。

10 . As to you… 而你… Your scent… 你的气息… Is like a drug to me 却好像是专门为我配制的毒品 Like my own personal brand of heroin 简直是我个人品牌的瘾品 《暮光之城》


1 . 做大事,靠的是毅力而不是力量。

2 . 人生有两出悲剧:一是万念俱灰,另一是踌躇满志。——萧伯纳

3 . "Of course, the writer must earn money in order to live, writing, but he should never live to make money writing - Marx "

4 . 规则二:永远别忘了规则一。

5 . Learn to enjoy the simple things in life 学会享受生活中的简单。

6 . Never, never, never, never give up (Winston Churchill

7 . 九 When love is not madness, it is not love 如果爱不疯狂就不是爱了。

8 . 胜利者做失败者不愿意做的事!

9 . Confidence and hard-work is the best medicine to kill the disease named failure 自信和勤奋是治疗失败的良药。

10 . Carios Slim Helu, CEO of Telmex, America Movil, Grupo Carso




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