
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-18 14:29:34


1 . ( --What time will Mr Brown be back to China? -- Sorry I don’t know ___

2 . Therearesomeapplesinthetree(变一般问句

3 . The woman ___ umbrella you took is angry about itHere comes a girl ___ handwriting is the best

4 . .成熟的麦穗低垂着头,那是在教我们谦虚;,;;

5 . There were _______many people ____I couldn’t find where she is Aso;that Bso;as Csuch;that Das;that

6 . Last year there was a flood here because of the heavy rain

7 . ( --Is the girl _ is interviewing the manager of that company your friend--Yes, she is a journalist from CCTV

8 . It&#;s …

9 . Have you found the book _____________we learnt a lot?

10 . 参考答案:笔似火焰,点燃文明之光;笔似犁铧,耕耘五彩之梦。


1 . 如果你是鱼儿,那快乐就是一汪清凉清凉的水;如果你是小草,那快乐就是一束暖暖香香的阳光;如果你是,那快乐就是;如果你是,那快乐就是。

2 . Every tide has its ebb潮涨必有潮落时。

3 . ①纵使黑夜吞噬了一切②还有希望的绿洲存在③只要明天还在

4 . Awill go, is fine; Bgoes, is fine Cwill go, is going to be fine Dgoes; will be fine

5 . 仿造下面的例句,造两个字数相同句式一样内容相关的句子。

6 . 友情:。

7 . A where did you get it B where will you get it C where you got it

8 . ()但无数运动员的运动事业是永恒的。(分)

9 . Thereisabookcaseinmystudy(变一般问句

10 . ( ____ have finished the work can leave A Those who B Anyone C The one who


1 . The car______my father bought last month is beautifulThe man______hair is white is his grandfather

2 . —Why did you come to school late this morning?--___I watched the Football World Cup until : last night AIf BBecause CSince DThough

3 . Is the baseball under the chair?

4 . 例句:

5 . ( This is the only thing _________ I have lostAwhich Bthat Cwhere

6 . Make______ ______ ______to work hard, ______ you‘ll succeed ______ ______ ______

7 . Yes, he/she is No, he/ she isn&#;t

8 . ( This is the only book ___I am looking for A that B which C who D whom

9 . 如果我是清风,我将。如果我是春雨,我将。

10 . A.when does he come B.how will he come C.if he comes D.whether he&#;ll come


1 . )You can go skating after you ____Afinish the job Bfinished the job Cfinishing the job

2 . I really enjoyed myself 我玩得很开心。

3 . (二)特例:只用that的情况

4 . 仿写例句“假如生命是……,不要……,要……”的句式,写一个类似的句式,不要超过字。

5 . -He is one of the boys who ____ (doesn’t, don’t finish doing homework

6 . 续写式

7 . 四

8 . ( I&#;m one of the boys ______never late for school A that is B who are C who am D who is

9 . ( In my family, my sister is the only person __ loves chocolate A which B who C whom D she

10 . A What Lily was B What was Lily C Where Lily was D Where was Lily


1 . The boy is so strong that he can lift up the heavy stone He is such a clever boy that all of us like him

2 . 仿照画线句子,续写一个句子,与画线的两句构成语意连贯的排比句。人生的意义在于奉献而不在于索取。如果你是一棵大树,就撒下一片阴凉;如果你是一泓清泉,就滋润一片土地;。

3 . The art club is for members only You can’t go in___you are a member Aunless BBecause Cif Dthough

4 . 箭射出去;____________________________________________________;_____________________________________________________;

5 . A where Kate is studying B how Kate studies C why Kate was studying D when Kate studied

6 . ______________纵使陷身茫茫沙漠冬雪将会悄悄融化

7 . ( No one can be sure____ in a million years

8 . 桌子上有一本书和两支钢笔。There_____abookandtwopensonthedesk

9 . They are ___interesting books __ I want to read them once moreAso that Bsuch…that Ctoo…to Dso…that

10 . ________________________________________________________________________


1 . 下面是一首题为“荣誉”的小诗,请根据上下文填写出空位的内容(分)

2 . 仿句:宽容是,;

3 . Those boys ___________ are playing basketballs over there are from Class Fifteen

4 . 仔细揣摩下面的两个语段的内容和写法,再仿写一个字左右的语段。

5 . 解题分析:

6 . (分)

7 . .The small children don&#;t know _________ . A.what is their stockings in

8 . ---Could you tell me when Mr Li___in Huanggang?---Sure When he ___, I’ll call you

9 . The boy ______ is wearing the black jacket is very clever

10 . 参考答案:青春无语,却焕发活力;鲜花无语,却散发芬芳;春雨无语,却滋润大地。




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