
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-07-30 04:59:20


1 . 英语口语流利,具有良好的英语阅读写作能力;普通话标准。

2 . I would sooner die than do such a thing

3 . keep up 保持;继续(某活动)

4 . 句型[主语+would (had…as soon/as lief+…as+被弃对象]

5 . Education officials scratched a bizarre item about a race between a pineapple and a hare from the exam

6 . The new edition is less expensive than the old one

7 . 先把菠萝切开,然后削皮。

8 . 要注意避免不合理的比较。如:(误)The face of his father looks older than his uncle

9 . Wishing you many future successes请多保重!

10 . Best of luck in the year to come愿你在未来的一年里,吉星高照。


1 . May the joy and warmth of Christmas fill your home with happiness愿圣诞的欢乐和温馨,带给你家无边的幸福。

2 . [Sooner than+动词原形…(主句 主语+would +动词原形…]

3 . Thinking of you and wishing you a beautiful Christmas season

4 . A Christmas greeting and good wishes to you who is thought about all theyear through Have a beautiful Christmas and a happy New Year

5 . Light waves travel most quickly through air, they go much slower through water and even slower through glass

6 . blow up 告吹;发脾气;(风雨)等发生

7 . Next to the Yangtze, the Yellow River is the second longest river in our country

8 . Has the work been finished ahead of time?

9 . [注] most前,如果没有the,则不是表示比较,而表示 "很", "非常", 如: The present world situation is most favorable for the people The meeting proceeded in a most friendly atmosphere

10 . [附注] 一般说来,只有当谓语是被动式时,这个句子才可称为被动句,下面的句子含有被动意义的非谓语成分,虽然表达了一定的被动意义,但是不能说是被动句,She didn&#;t like herself to be praised like that 这种被动意义的非谓语成分主要由下了词语表达出来:


1 . [注] 其他如first, leave…for或两个独立分句等也可表示择比, 如: He said he would resign first

2 . Smoking is not permitted in this theatre How the steel was tempered?

3 . )基本转换公式:省略。

4 . Good people management and communication skills Team player有良好的人员管理和交际能力。能在集体中发挥带头作用。

5 . 将来进行时 现在完成进行时 将来完成进行时 过去完成进行时

6 . Wise men love truth, whereas fools shun it

7 . [注] 还有一些带比较级的词组,也含有比例发展的意味;但这些词组多用于表示同一事物的发展程度,一般不带被比对象。 "…ever+比较级+ (and+比较级…" 如:The story gets ever more exciting

8 . Warm greetings and best wishes for happiness and good luck in the coming year衷心祝福来年快乐幸运!

9 . I want to wish you longevity and health!祝财运亨通!

10 . I wish you a happy New Year All affection and best wishes to you and yours以我所有的爱心与真诚祝你及全家圣诞快乐。


1 . 应聘者须勇于挑重担。

2 . Everything that is good is sure to be praised and everything bad is sure to be exposed

3 . Let us embrace life,create life,seize today and wake up tomorrow with all fervor拥抱生活,创造生活,把握住每一个今天,让我们用全部的热忱,去唤醒明天。

4 . The more a man knows, the more he discovers his ignorance

5 . John doesn&#;t work so hard as Henry

6 . 英语中的单词通常在不同的领域中具有不同的含义。为了保证句子翻译的准确性,译者就需要准确掌握相关领域的专业知识。某些从语法角度看有歧义的句子,译者可利用某一学科的专业知识帮助判明句子的结构层次关系,以弥补单纯语法分析的不足。

7 . The price of wisdom is above rubies We love truth above everything else

8 . Peace and love for you at New Year from all your students祝老师新年充满平安和爱。

9 . 科技英语的翻译不仅仅是语言自身的问题,它同时还与其他的语言学因素相关。在这些因素中,最重要的是逻辑推理。一位著名的苏联语言学家曾举例:John is in the pen 毫无疑问,所有人的都会把pen翻译成“牲口圈”,而不是“笔”因为“人在钢笔里”的翻译明显不符合逻辑。翻译是一项逻辑活动,最终的译文是逻辑推理的产物。在进行逻辑推理的时

10 . 由于某些动词的性质不用被动句, 这类动词有:become, befit, fail, last, resemble, suit, suffice, wish, disappear, lack want, like, hate, possess, own, contain, have, happen to, belong to, break out, take place, set sail, shake hands with, take part in等。


1 . The situation of the enemy cannot compare with ours

2 . "Would you like to be taught Latin?" - I asked

3 . 愿您在新的一年里充满快乐。

4 . 找出每个句型中的主要成分,并理解主要成分和次要成分(例如定语,状语,补语等之间的关系。

5 . You can also see that there is a grand piano, whereas ours is an upright

6 . 圣诞快乐,新年好!

7 . He is not likely to have been notified about it Cast iron is apt to be broken

8 . I&#;m glad to learn that you won first prize in the composition contest held at your schoolI&#;d like to take this opportunity to offer my congratulations on your success非常高兴得知你在学校举办的比赛中荣获一等奖,我想借此机会对你的成功表示祝贺。

9 . This is the easiest book I&#;ve ever read Mrs Thomson works hardest of all

10 . "…+比较级+and+比较级…" 如:…his poor cheek has turned ever thinner and paler




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