
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-03-01 01:23:09


1 . 状语种类如下:

2 . We all think it a pity that she didn’t come here (名

3 . We found everything in the lab in good order(介词短语)

4 . Thisisbeautifulmusic

5 . In order to catch up with the others, I must work harder(目的状语)

6 . (五)宾语:宾语表示动作的对象或承爱者,一般位于及物动词和介词后面。例如: They went to see an exhibition(展览)yesterday(名词)

7 . Are you afraid of the snake? Under the snow, there are many rocks

8 . )复合句:含有一个或一个以上从句的句子。复合句包含:名词性从句(主语从句宾语从句表语从句和同位语从句)定语从句和状语从句等。

9 . 这两句话中单词teachers是名词,单词him是带词,它们在句中作宾语。

10 . His father is in (副词


1 . He was elected monitor

2 . You must be careful with your pronunciation(改为祈使句)

3 . IamsorryIammakingsomuchnoisebutIhaveto(对不起我发出了太大的声音但是只能这样。/Hecan’thavefinishedreadingthe-page-longnovel(他不可能读完了那本长达页的小说。/Somethingmustbedonetostopthefowlflufromspreading

4 . When we are going to have an English test has not been decided(主语从句)

5 . Iamsuretosucceed

6 . ? 主补:对主语的补充。

7 . Let the fresh air in(副词)

8 . 主语补语

9 . )感叹句:How clever the boy is!

10 . 析:这句话有两层意思,一是眼前这一池荷花就像一大幅活的画,不仅美丽,而且是活的。二是创作这一大幅活的画的画家了不起。画家是谁?是大自然。“那画家的本领可真了不起”,表现了作者对神奇的大自然的由衷赞叹,是美妙的大自然使作者产生了“人在画中游”的感觉。


1 . Ireallywantacupoftea(我真的想要一杯茶。)

2 . He hates you (代词

3 . Smoking does harm to the health(动名词)

4 . We saw her entering the room(现在分词)

5 . Don’t keep the lights burning (现在分词

6 . 句子成分分析练习题

7 . Though he is young, he can do it well

8 . 的限制性同位语。

9 . Thesecretofsuccessistostartfromscratchandkeeponscratching

10 . 主语+系动词+表语:eg He is a student


1 . 直接宾语与间接宾语:

2 . I.八大成分的概念和构成

3 . 如: My sister Lucy is very beautiful(我的妹妹露西很漂亮。

4 . )定语:是用来说明或者限制名词的成分,常用形容词或者相当于形容词的短语或从句担任。形容词放在名词之前,相当于形容词的短语或从句放在名词的后面。如:

5 . It is an interesting story(改为感叹句)

6 . eg You help him and he helps you

7 . There are thirty women teachers is our school(名词)

8 . 与非典搏斗。/Toseeistobelieve(耳听为虚眼见为实/Helpinganimalsistohelppeople(帮助动物就是帮助人类。

9 . The rich should help the poor(名词化的形容词)

10 . The heavy rain prevented me form coming to school on time(代词)


1 . II.成分关系

2 . She likes drawing and often draws pictures for the wall newspapers

3 . His father advised him to teach the lazy boy a lesson (带to不定式

4 . The meat went bad because of the hot weather

5 . 宾语补语

6 . ) 双宾语-----间宾(指人)和直宾(指物)

7 . (动词不定式或动名词做主语时可用it代替,而不定式或动名词移至表语或宾语之后。如:ItisverycomfortabletohaveaClassAseatduringthelongjourney(在长途旅行中能有个甲等座位简直太舒服了。/Eatingtoomuchisbadforyourhealth(=Itisbadforyourhealtheatingtoomuch(吃得太多对你的身体不利。

8 . The question is whether they will come (表语从句)

9 . The speech is exciting(分词)

10 . Thestudentsstudyhard(这些学生学习努力。


1 . It sounds a good idea The sound sounds strange

2 . He was advised to teach the lazy boy a lesson(形容词

3 . They painted their boat white(形容词)

4 . I play with him (我和他玩。 I like Chinese food(我喜欢中国菜。)

5 . 主语 + 及物动词 +宾语 She likes English

6 . He was advised to teach the lazy boy a lesson wwwohcom

7 . 如:The students study hard(学生努力学习

8 . The meeting will be held in the meetingroom

9 . TheyaregoingtoMelbourne,thebeautifulcityinsouthernAustralia(同位语所修饰的形式为名词)

10 . 第一讲英语句子成分


1 . (主语一般在句首,但在问句中会处于第二位和句尾;倒装句及therebe句型主语在动词之后。如:Computersaremadeinthisfactory(计算机生产于这家工厂。/Wherearethey?(他们在哪儿?/Doestheboylikestayinghome?(这个男孩喜欢呆在家里吗?

2 . 因此动词不定式动名词分词为非谓语动词,不能作谓语。且谓语动词可以体现时态,单复数的语法现象。

3 . 状语:用来修饰v, adj, adv, or 句子。

5 . Seeing is believing (动名词

6 . 定语:修饰或限制名词或代词的词词组或句子。

7 . I’ll have my bike repaired (过去分词

8 . 这句话中,Mike 作my uncle

9 . 状语的位置它自由自在,忽右忽左随心所欲摆。

10 . 作表语。


1 . We belong to the third world (数词) He was advised to teach the lazy boy a lesson(形容词) The man over there is my old friend(副词 The woman with a baby in her arms is my sister (介词 The boys playing football are in Class (现在分词)

2 . (常见的系动词有: be, sound(听起来), look(看起来), feel(摸起来,smell(闻起来), taste(尝吃起来), remain(保持,仍是), feel(感觉)

3 . I enjoy working with you (动名词

4 . 有的动词能够接双宾语,直接宾语指的是动词所涉及的物,间接宾语是指受益于动词所表示行为的人。

5 . (predicative:表示行为的对象,常由名词或者代词担任。放在及物动词或者介词之后。系动词之后的成分,表示主语的性质状态和特征。

6 . .补语:补充说明。(由动词类别来决定)

7 . 这两句中作宾语的名词短语只有一个可以和该动词搭配。病句一中“感受气氛”是正确的,但绝不能“感受香火”,应改为:在娘娘庙前目睹了旺盛的香火,感受了虔诚的气氛。后一个病句依此类推可改为:他们之所以激动,是因为他们终于感受到了他们经历过的听说过的想象过的心情,看到了他们经历过的听说过的想象过的状态。

8 . Whenyoureachforthestars,youmaynotquitegetone,butyouwon’tcomeupwithahandfulofsandeither

9 . Lucy 为My sister 的同位语

10 . 你想摘下天上的星星,可能一个也摘不下;但也不会一无所获。


1 . I am taller than he is(比较状语)

2 . 按要求完成下列句子:

3 . 限制性同位语中同位语与被它限定的词之间不用逗号隔开,非限制性同位语则用逗号隔开。 如: My uncle Mike is kind(我的叔叔马克心地善良

4 . He goes to school by bike

5 . The trees planted last year are growing well now (过去分词)

6 . How many do you need? We need two (数词

7 . (四)表语:表语用以说明主语的身份特征和状态,它一般位于系动词(如be, become, get, look, grow, turn, seem等)之后。表语一般由名词代词形容词分词数词不定式动名词介词短语副词及表语从句表示。例如:

8 . The question is whether they will come (表语从句

9 . 英语句子(sentence=主语+谓语(核心:主动词)

10 . I have an idea to do it well (不定式) You should do everything that I do (定语从句)




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