
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-07-25 13:43:35


1 . (Bthehousehavingthelargeyardandasmallpondattractedtheattentionofthefamily

2 . (Athehousewiththelargeyardandsmallpondattractedthefamily’sattention

3 . 辅音前用a, an在元音前,

4 . (BImadenumerousmistakesincreatingagraphtoillustratehistoricaltrends

5 . 人和事物各有名,万千名目可辨清。表示名称即名词,具体抽象有不同。

6 . 请先看下面两道中考题:

7 . He is as well educated as his brother 他和他兄弟受的`教育一样好。

8 . Sheheldthelittleboybytherighthand她抓着小男孩的右手。(这里"by"与"with"动作主语完全相反

9 . Youdon&#;tbegintounderstandwhattheymean你根本不知道他们在干嘛。(notbeginto:毫不

10 . Heallowedthefathertobeoverruledbythejudge,anddeclaredhisownsonguilty他让法官的职责战胜了父子的亲情,最终宣布儿子有罪。


1 . I won’t help her unless she asks me to 除非她要求我,否则我不会帮她。

2 . It is quite clear that the whole project is doomed to failure 很清楚,整个计划注定要失败。

3 . 越极总挺常常再,屡次一定也不还。时名副名看加在,名前可加副不来。

4 . 三句子语病修改歌诀

5 . It is a surprise that… 令人惊奇的是……

6 . 自从以当为按照,由于对于为了到;和跟把比在关于,除了同对向往朝;

7 . 句子:Heusuallygoestotheparkwithhisfriendsat:onSunday

8 . 过去某时以前发生的动作或情况

9 . 句式杂糅使人迷,结构又胶节,语言重复又多余,

10 . 词尾ffe,s前有v和e;


1 . It is believed that… 人们相信……

2 . Yesterday was Father's Day I had planned to give my father a present But I didn't remember it until in the morningIt was too late to post a card to him So I decided to buy something When I was in the department store I found it was not easy for me to choose something right for him

3 . 用在名词代词前,修饰动形要记牢。

4 . By the time he was , he had learned words

5 . Rubbereasilygiveswaytopressure橡胶很容易变形。

6 . 亮点:当我们将前八个字都做得很完美的时候也只能得到一个二等文的上。要想得到一等文,最后两个字,亮点至关重要。大家设想如果我们是阅卷老师。有两篇写人美丽的作文摆在我们面前,都是结构清晰的三段式,要点都很全,都用了一些逻辑词,都没有语法错误,但是A篇只用了beautiful,good-looking,B篇却用到了attractive,charming,catching等,我坚信正常人都会给B篇高分的。这些高级一点的词汇,词组,句型便是我们得到一等文的最有力的绝招。所以,以后写英语作文要养成一般词汇限量用的好习惯。

7 . Yesterday was Father's Day I had planned to give my father a present But I didn't remember it until in the morningIt was too late

8 . 【妙语诠释】

9 . ③以f或fe结尾的单词一般是把f,fe变为ve再加s;

10 . Areyouthere?等于句型:Doyoufollowme?


1 . 用it作形式主语的that-从句有以下四种不同的搭配关系:

2 . 这两道题的答案分别为C和B,即答案均选left。许多同学也许会弄不明白,因为根据句意,这两道题均应填表示“忘记”的词语,为什么不可以用forgot而非要用left呢?下面我们就来分析一下它们在表示“忘记”时的区别。

3 . 主语:That he is still alive is sheer luck 他还活着全靠运气。

4 . (Dyoucanplaceacatalogorder

5 . 表语:The fact is that he has not been seen recently 事实是近来谁也没有见过他。

6 . 【—学习关于leave与forget的技巧】下文是关于leave与forget区别的具体介绍,供同学们学习参考。希望对同学们有帮助。

7 . 提问:Whousuallygoestotheparkwithhisfriendsat:onSunday?

8 . What a wonderful surprise!

9 . 只要把这十个字都搞定了,那么初中英语写作就一定能搞定!

10 . I locked the door in order that we might continue our discussions undisturbed (=I locked the door in order to continue our discussions undisturbed 我把门锁上了,以便我们可以继续讨论而不受打扰。


1 . 语法:其他几点都不是硬性的要求,不那样做不能说是错,只能说是不好,但是语法却是硬性的。如,单词的使用,时态等。

2 . 初中英语作文分为四等。一等文:-分;二等文:-分;三等文:-分;四等文:-分。今天教给大家十个字,搞定初中英语写作,帮你拿到一等文。那么究竟是哪十个字呢?

3 . I think (that he’ll be back in an hour 我认为他一小时后就会回来。

4 . finally we chose a blue one there is a blue bird in it it made in guangzhou it is ten yuan it&#;s too expensive but it is so beautiful and i like it very much so we bought it my mother said that it is good for my teeth then we went home i can brush my teeth now how happy i am 初三!

5 . “I’ve left my watch upstairs” “I’ll go and get it for you” “我把表忘在楼上了。”“我去给你拿。”

6 . 量词:

7 . Thelongexhaustingtripprovedtoomuch这次旅行旷日持久,我们都累倒了。

8 . 形容词:

9 . Thecountrynotagreeingwithher,shereturnedtoEngland她在那个国家水土不服,所以回到了英国

10 . leave 在表示“遗忘”时,则通常要与表示地点的状语连用。如:


1 . 前很后名都不行,单独回答更不能。

2 . 此外,that, which, who, whom, whose, when, why, where等还可以引导定语从句。

3 . 代词代替人事物,按照作用分三族。人称代词我你他,咱们自己和大家。

4 . 句子:Theboyinbluehasthreepens

5 . 要点:实际上中考英语写作就等于两个字,翻译!因为中考英语写作一般会给出几个要点,要求必须在文章中有所体现。文章写的再好,只要缺少要点就会扣分。所以要点,也就是文章的第二段内容,要做到全,围绕中心。

6 . 定语必居主宾前,谓前为状谓后补。

7 . 心理活动及判断,一概可作谓语用。能愿趋向两动词,配合谓语意更明。

8 . Asluckwouldhaveit,hewascaughtbytheteacheragain不幸的是,他又一次被老师逮个正着。

9 . 常用过去完成时的情况

10 . Youlookdarkeraftertheholiday你看上去更健康了。


1 . He hasn’t finished yet

2 . 连词although, though 引导让步状语从句;where, wherever 引导地点状语从句:

3 . 有人喜欢夏天的灼热,有人喜欢夏天的豪放,也有人讨厌夏天,就针对夏天,同学们也写下自己的感受吧!

4 . (Aacatalogordercanbeplaced

5 . ①有生命的名词所有格一般加s,但如果名词以s结尾,则只加“’”;

6 . Ihavenoopinionofthatsortofman我对这类人很反感。

7 . oh! my god my toothbrush was broken last sunday i couldn&#;t brush my teeth so i went shopping with my mother there were so many tooth brushes

8 . 连词than, as…as…, not as/so…as…用来引导比较状语从句:

9 . 很显然,学生多了更多的回答角度,也体现了考试的灵活性。再如:

10 . (DdustfromtheeruptionofMountSaintHelensthat


1 . (DIcreatedagraphtoillustratehistoricaltrendswithnumerousmistakes

2 . 数词:

3 . “结构+要点+逻辑+语法+亮点!”

4 . ③如果是无生命的名词则用of表示所有格,这里需要注意它们的顺序与汉语不同,A of B要翻译为B的A。

5 . Whichboyhasthreepens?

6 . 形容词语极丰富,准确修饰需深功。形容词语功能多,主要充当状谓定。

7 . ②有些复数形式的名词表示特别的意义。如:papers(文件,manners(礼貌 初中物理,goods(货物,times(时代,conditions(环境;情况等。

8 . 【—之fathers day】同学们还记得我们的父亲节吗,你也来表示一下吧。

9 . 检查语病要细心,先看主干主谓宾,残缺搭配是病因;

10 . 初中英语作文大全之fathers day




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