
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-07-19 13:16:00


1 . "…+比较级+and+比较级…" 如:…his poor cheek has turned ever thinner and paler

2 . A little leak will sink a great ship 千丈之堤溃於蚁穴。

3 . 人生的奋斗目标决定你将成为怎样的人。——欧文

4 . 今天我很兴奋,因为我第一次坐飞机去旅游。今天父母和我去北京旅游。飞机起飞的时候,我感到它在摇晃。但是由于兴奋,我并没有觉得紧张。过了一会,飞机停止摇晃并且飞得更高了。我能够看到地上的建筑,它们越来越小,最后就再也看不到了。透过窗户,我可以看到蓝蓝的天空,很清澈。云朵在飞机下面,它们和地上看上去很不一样,那么惊奇。我很喜欢这风景。到北京花了我们两个小时。北京机场很大很壮观,飞机和人都很多。我觉得我的旅途一定会很有趣的。

5 . 如果你无法忘掉昨天,就不会有一个更好的明天。

6 . For man is man and master of his fate

7 . While there is life there is hope

8 . 等差既可以指出相差的数目, (用by+数词表示 也可以指出相差的范围, 如: of +名词, with regard to, in point of, with respect to, with reference to, with relation to, in the sphere of, in the field of等等。例句: She is the more patient of the two In point of commerce, Shanghai is more prosperous than Nanjing With reference to territory, China is larger than America

9 . Better late than never Better to do well than to say well

10 . "…名词A+in+preference to+名词B" 如: After the noun reason, use that in preference to because


1 . 那个人会在耳边轻声说:没事,我在这。在你悲伤时给你依靠,与你相关的,他都珍视。有这样的人,我爱定了。

2 . A little spark kindles a great fire 星星之火,可以燎原。

3 . 人必须有自信,这是成功的秘密。——卓别林

4 . I will say this, that the best shot in existence could not have done it more beautifully

5 . too用作副词,意为“也并且还”,用于肯定句结构中,常位于句末,也可置于句首或紧跟在主语之后,但都常用逗号隔开。

6 . He left the bar for the pen I like geography, but I prefer history

7 . We should study it mo-re carefully than befo-re我们要比以前更加认真地学习。

8 . If you study Chinese its very easy, but if you dont its very hard对于汉语,你学它就不难,你不学它就显得挺难。

9 . [注] prefer的派生词 preferable, preference也都可用以表示择比。有以下方式:

10 . 不要使用无比较对象的孤立的比较级。如:(误 We saw many smaller houses on both sides of the river


1 . How many hours are you taking this semester? 这学期你选了多少学时的课? Can you please tell me which way to the cafeteria ? 你能告诉我去自助餐厅怎么走吗? Is anyone sitting here? 这里有人坐吗?

2 . 我们都有绝望的时候,只有在勇敢面对时,我们才知道我们有多坚强。

3 . Sounds good But I like to draw,too听起来不错。但我也喜欢画画。

4 . "If there is a scoundrel upon earth, that scoundrel&#;s name is HEEP"

5 . I would sooner die than do such a thing

6 . Absence sharpens love, presence strengthens it 相聚爱益切,离别情更深。

7 . A man can fail many times, but he isn&#;t a failure until he begins to blame somebody else——J Burroughs

8 . 如果你的快乐与否取决于别人做了什么,我想,你真的有点问题。

9 . Today I was very excited, because I traveled plane for the first time My parents and I traveled toBeijingtoday When the plane took off, I felt it was shaking But I was not nervous because of excitement After a while, it stopped shaking and flied higher I could see the buildings on the ground They became smaller and smaller And finally, I couldn&#;t see them anymore Through the window, I could see the blue sky It was very clear Clouds were under the plane They looked so different from the ground It was amazing I like the view very much It took only two hours to get toBeijing TheBeijingairport is very large and wonderful There are many planes and people I think my trip will be funny

10 . A good winter brings a good summer 瑞雪兆丰年。


1 . Is your father senior to mine? My father is junior to yours

2 . Our room is a little larger than theirs and it has more furniture in it

3 . 失败乃成功之母。

4 . Can you play the piano or the violin?你会弹钢琴还是会拉小提琴?

5 . Oliver fell on his knees, clasping his hands together, and begged them to kill him if they pleased rather than send him away with that dreadful man He insisted on staying rather than go

6 . eg I have read the book and I&#;ve seen the film, too/as well

7 . He is more attentive in class now than he was last term

8 . We have one weekly meeting on Monday afternoon周一我们有一节班会。

9 . As long as men live, water will continue to be what it is today - next in importance to oxygen

10 . 句型 "not to speak of" 等词组也可用以表示差比, 如: Even a worm, when trodden on, will turn, not to speak of a man outraged


1 . After black clouds, clear weather 否极泰来。

2 . 我看过这本书,也看过这部电影。

3 . Do as most men do and men will speak well of thee照大多数人那样干,人们会把你称赞。

4 . 困难坎坷是人们的生活教科书。

5 . A common danger causes common action 同仇敌忾。

6 . Strength alone knows conflict, weakness is below even defeat, and is born vanquished——Swetchine

7 . She is the most active girl in our class You&#;re the one who writes the most correctly

8 . Nowadays, there are more and more students becoming short-sighted Some students get short-sightedness when they are little There are fifteen students wearing glasses in my class Being short-sighted is common among students, even in primary school That is too serious Therefore, we should protect our eyes carefully When we are reading and writing, we should keep a standard posture Besides, we should not watch TV or play computer for too long They are bad for our eyes And, we should do eyes exercises regularly A good rest is also important to our eyes In all, eyes are the windows of our mind We should keep it healthy

9 . A bad conscience is a snake in one&#;s heart 做贼心虚。

10 . A fair face may hide a foul heart 人不可貌相。


1 . 上面通过对英语课内要敢说的讲解,希望给同学们的学习很好的帮助,希望同学们都能考试成功哦。

2 . [主语+谓语+above/ next to+被比对象] [主语+can&#;t compare with+被比对象]

3 . 用in 引出的短语表示范围: This is the busiest street in the city

4 . Chinese is our native language,we must learn it well汉语是我们的母语,我们必须把它学好。 This is our first Chinese class of this term 这是我们本学期第一节语文课。

5 . Dream what you want to dream; go where you want to go; be what you want to be, because you have only one life and one chance to do all the things you want to do

6 . Wise men love truth, whereas fools shun it

7 . 对于课后及时复习学习方法大家应该熟悉吧,下面我们来好好学习吧。

8 . 人往高处走,水往低处流。

9 . My friends mean a lot to me 我的朋友对我来说非常重要。 Money means nothing to her 她视金钱为粪土。 which tuto-rs did you get this semester? 你这学期的导师有哪几个?

10 . A hero is known in the time of misfortune 时势造英雄。


1 . 天生我才必有用。

2 . No one is to be compared with him for resourcefulness He has no equal in playing ping-pong ball

3 . The price of wisdom is above rubies We love truth above everything else

4 . 不要使用双重比较级, 如:(误 His younger brother was more stronger than he

5 . Try not to become a man of success but rather try to become a man of value——A Einstein

6 . The dark clouds mean rain 乌云是下雨的征兆。

7 . [附注] 关于等差句有以下几点需要注意:

8 . He is none the happier for his wealth A good tale is none the worse for being twice told

9 . Accidents will happen 天有不测风云。

10 . The more a man knows, the more he discovers his ignorance




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