
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-13 14:11:53


1 . ( At the science museum,the boys and girls get to know__________ A what is the spaceship like

2 . 唐代:白居易

3 . I love people ____ are friendly to others A which B whose C what D who

4 . 她们在说些什么?

5 . 把每个睡醒后的早晨当成一件礼物,把每个开心后的微笑当成一个习惯。朋友,短信祝早上好,愿你微笑今天,快乐永远!

6 . 好习惯成就一生,坏习惯毁人前程。

7 . 新麻裁出锦衣妆,跪向西南黯神伤。

8 . 惟理想点亮生命的精彩。

9 . 只有你爬到山顶了,这座山才会支撑着你。

10 . 人生最大的错误是不断担心会犯错。


1 . 没有播种,何来收获。

2 . 不夺桂冠誓不回,那怕销得人憔悴。

3 . This is the village _________________we visited last week

4 . ( –Do you know the man __is running along the street? A who B which C whom

5 . 世上最重要的事,不在于我们在何处,而在于我们朝着什么方向走。

6 . 处处焚火纸,家家送寒衣。

7 . 孩儿立志出乡关,学不成名誓不还。

8 . 要争就能赢,要拼才能赢。

9 . 放假第一个星期,我彻底地放松了。考试的紧张焦虑不安,统统被抛到了一边,取而代之的是近乎疯狂的玩乐:逛街购物去游乐场,看电视打游戏听音乐。没有一天是安静的。但是,总感觉心理不对劲。仿佛这样的生活一点也不真实,就好像天天买彩票,期盼中大奖的人,突然中了大奖,却不明白怎样办好了。

10 . 天道酬勤,宁静致远。


1 . 勤奋,熬墨蓄势。

2 . Is this the place _______ your father once lived I’ll never forget the days _______ I joined the League

3 . B.how old are the two players C.the two players are how old D.how old the two players are

4 . ( How lovely the dog is ! Can you tell me _____?

5 . B what the spaceship looks like C how the spaceship looks ike D how does the spaceshipook like

6 . “I will go with you ” he says ---He says he will go with me

7 . 汗水浇灌希望,奋斗决定命运。

8 . 今天的努力,明天的实力。

9 . A which floor did he live on B which floor he lived on C which floor he lived D he lived on which floor

10 . so that…/ so…that…/such…that ____________________________________________________________


1 . 撑起花雨伞,走在白雪覆盖的长长的路上,看飞雪飘飘洒洒,在最起初,仿佛与她仍是一场极平常的相遇,不曾想许多。

2 . 一)条件状语从句:引导词为:if, unless。

3 . The gentlemen ___ are coming to my office tomorrow are my classmates many years ago

4 . A where Linda was B where is Linda C where was Linda D where Linda

5 . I hope to go to France some day__there are many museums thereAthough B unless C because D where

6 . 使人疲惫的不是远方的高山,而是鞋里的一粒沙子。

7 . C when the airport we should arrive at D when the airport should we arrive at

8 . 七绝·黯神伤

9 . 流落正怜芳意在,砧声徒促授寒衣。

10 . He’s so strong that he can carry the box=___________________________________________________


1 . 我托太阳给你送去第一缕阳光的温暖和祝福,愿整个春天你都有一个好心情,早上好!

2 . ---What are you looking for? --- I’m looking for the pen ___ I bought yesterday A who B which C whose

3 . 早上好,送你清爽的问候,温馨的祝愿,早晨,美妙的开端,祝你今日精力棒棒,生机多多,心境好好,一切都好!

4 . 轻风舞柳,在向你招手,带上我真诚的问候“早上好”,荷花映日,绚烂多姿,送上我真挚的祝福“愿快乐伴你分秒。

5 . 闪烁的信息充满幸福的期待,珍藏的回忆是永不退色的水彩,心灵的快乐是因为有你的存在,深深的挂念凝聚真挚的情怀!愿:祝福常有,情谊长在!

6 . 自己打败自己是最可悲的失败,自己战胜自己是最可贵的胜利。

7 . 精诚所至,金石为开。

8 . 突然开始怀恋秋天。袅袅的秋风,亭皋的木叶,潺湲的秋水,交融回荡,延伸到远方天空的尽头。我是一个彳亍于人生道路上孤独旅者,顺着秋天独有的倾巢般的夜幕中的一缕婵娟,紧握着岁月赐予我的轮迹,悠然前行。

9 . 耕耘今天,收获明天。

10 . 人生要走的路,没有一条是容易的路,我们只能选择一条更适合自己的路,然后凭借自己的努力,去决定自己的样子,去过上最想要拥有的那一种生活。早安!


1 . 绳锯木断,水滴石穿。

2 . 旧貌应难忘,慿谁问老衢?

3 . 我坐在窗边,随着飞机穿过云层,在云层之上滑翔。可以清晰的看到飞机在天空留下的痕迹,不知道那是蔚蓝中的纯白,还是白色中的清澈……云层之上的天空没有一丝瑕疵,那样的`完整,包笼着绵绵的云。

4 . 小事成就大事,细节成就完美。

5 . Do you know the boy ____ is sitting next to Peter? ---Yes He is Peter’s friend They are celebrating his ____ birthday A who, ninth B that, nineth C /, nineth D which, ninth

6 . 在真实的生命里,每桩伟业都由信心开始,并由信心跨出第一步。

7 . ( —Can you tell me ______? —By doing more speaking A how I will improve my English

8 . A when did he go abroad Bwhy he is going abroad Chow soon will he be back Dhow long he will stay abroad

9 . 寄与亡魂焚币尽,冥途冷远念家尊。

10 . ( The boy didn’t stop talking ____the second bell rang Awhen B until C after D because


1 . ( ) You can’t image ___ when the pupils received these nice presents on Children’s Day

2 . ( --Have you found the information about famous people ____you can use for report?

3 . The woman ___________ talked to you just now is a doctor The woman ______ you talked to is my sister

4 . 综合练习

5 . 功崇惟志,业广为勤。

6 . The girl ____ I just talked with is Ben’s sister A whom B which C she

7 . He was the first person _______passed the exam

8 . 只会幻想而不行动的人,永远也体会不到收获果实时的喜悦。

9 . 学在苦中求,勤中练;不怕学问浅,怕志短。

10 . Can you tell me how I can make a kite?可以说成 Can you tell me how to make a kite?


1 . 肯承认错误则错已改了一半。

2 . ( --Could you tell me___? He is wanted by the head teacher--Sorry, I’ve no ideaBut he _ here just now.

3 . You may leave the classroom when you__writingAwill finish Bare finishing C have finished Dhad finished

4 . ( –David, look at the man in white over there Can you tell me_______? –He is a doctor

5 . 其实人生就是在不断的妥协权衡和放弃当中,来追求最大化的幸福。早安!

6 . 二.综合练习

7 . 走得最慢的人,只要他不丧失目标,也比漫无目的地徘徊的人走得快。

8 . 二)时间状语从句:(常见从属连词有when,before, after, until, as soon as, while…

9 . 鲲鹏展翅自兹始。

10 . ( I wonder how long_______school?




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