
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-02-07 02:20:46


1 . He would as soon kill himself as betray his country

2 . (正 His younger brother was much stronger than he His younger brother was stronger than he

3 . 战士们击沉了敌人的两艘军舰和三架飞机。

4 . In point of strength, he is second to none (second to none独一无二

5 . .洛阳城里见秋风,欲作家书意万重。唐·张籍《秋思》

6 . Everything that is good is sure to be praised and everything bad is sure to be exposed

7 . )被动句中by后接 us, you, them, one时,by短语可以省略。

8 . ③为上下文衔接选用恰当的句子;

9 . 逻辑就是指客观事物发展的规律性思维的规律性。

10 . 用条件句表示范围: "If there is one thing I do not like, it is a crying child…"


1 . .夜阑卧听风吹雨,铁马冰河入梦来。宋·陆游《十一月四日风雨大作》

2 . 由现象到本质

3 . .城阙辅三秦,风烟望五津。唐·王勃《送杜少府之任蜀州》

4 . I will say this, that the best shot in existence could not have done it more beautifully

5 . 要注意避免不合理的比较。如:(误)The face of his father looks older than his uncle

6 . [注] most前,如果没有the,则不是表示比较,而表示 "很", "非常", 如: The present world situation is most favorable for the people The meeting proceeded in a most friendly atmosphere

7 . The food on the ship was no better than on any other ship on which Billy had sailed

8 . 合并句:省略重复的部分,将多句合成一句。

9 . He works more regularly than you do

10 . 读了《师恩难忘》,受到了深刻的教育,懂得了尊师的道理。


1 . It is an honor for me to be invited to take part in the meeting

2 . [注] 比较级前可加一些增强语气的词,如:much, even, still, a little (bit, slightly, far , any, no, a lot 等。

3 . ⑤一方面,一部分“曲高和寡”的精英文化则陷入举步维艰的境地。

4 . 苍劲①〔用来形容树木〕

5 . The situation of the enemy cannot compare with ours

6 . E 当宾语是不定式时,很少转用于被动句。不宜说:To go is wanted by me或It is wanted by me to go

7 . ③南京报恩寺的和尚憨山买下宫前的一块空地,建了一座海印寺。

8 . ④听到大雨即将来临的广播,

9 . .定位选句:句子的位置已经确定,要求选择合适的句子填入。

10 . 【指点迷津】空间转换标志:天上—月亮—地上—大海—海滩


1 . Has the work been finished ahead of time?

2 . 暖风熏得游人醉,直把杭州作汴州。宋·林升《题临安邸》

3 . .西塞山前白鹭飞,桃花流水鳜鱼肥。唐·张志和《渔歌子》

4 . Smoking is not permitted in this theatre How the steel was tempered?

5 . 调换句中的词序,不改变句意。

6 . 三用恰当的关联词连句。

7 . 用in 引出的短语表示范围: This is the busiest street in the city

8 . [注] prefer的派生词 preferable, preference也都可用以表示择比。有以下方式:

9 . .一封朝奏九重天,夕贬潮州路八千。唐·韩愈《左迁至蓝关示侄孙湘》

10 . 【答案】③⑥④⑦①⑤②


1 . [附注] 表示等比的还有以下一些方式:

2 . His strength is superior to (=greater than mine My knowledge is inferior to (=less than his

3 . .老骥伏枥,志在千里。东汉·曹操《龟虽寿》

4 . 【答案】⑤④①③②

5 . [注] 如果两个主语相比,谓语动词应与前一个保持一致关系。如: He no less than you is (不是are diligent

6 . I never saw a prettier sight No other book has had a greater influence on my life

7 . .何用识夫婿?白马从骊驹;青丝系马尾,黄金络马头。《陌上桑》

8 . .将①——④句填在横线上,顺序最恰当的一项是(

9 . 用of 引出的短语表示范围: Of all the writers of the time Lu Shun enjoyed the greatest popularity among the people

10 . (正 We saw many small houses on both sides of the river




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