
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-08 20:05:18


1 . He was killed with a bullet I was struck with an idea

2 . Wecan’tturnbacktheclock,butwecancreatethefuture

3 . ThenumberofTVviewers____________betweenpmandpm

4 . 月和月期间汽车价格波动。

5 . ThisisarareopportunityDon’tblowit

6 . keep rubbing salt to ……

7 . 结构︰问句:What+be动词+this(that?)?

8 . Volunteershavetoworkaroundtheclockinordertosavelives

9 . .简洁句中不应有任何不必要的词。只要意思充分地表达了,用词越少越好。用词过多只会使意思模糊不清,而不是更加明晰。人们常常用不必要的词,所以最好在写完一篇文章之后,仔细检查一两遍,看看有没有一些词可以删去而又不影响意思的表达。

10 . Shoot!Ibrokemyarm


1 . learn from each other’s strong points to offset one’s own weaknesses in cooperation

2 . IwilllentyouthemoneyYouowemeone

3 . move at a snail’s pace

4 . 句子不完整。如:战士的英勇顽强,奋不顾身的优秀品质。

5 . he couldn’t be called an artist in real sense accumulate rich knowledge about …… by doing …… my horizons was broadened by the Beijing trip with ……,someone do have an edge over his competitor facing the sound conditions in China, the still throw stones at China like a blind man feeling a giant elephant the report does mind taking the trouble to do …… in a bid to do …… the key point at issue is that …… the us government must immediately put an end to do …… we also lag significantly behind coastal provinces regarded …… as nothing more than empty threats

6 . Don’tbeupsetJustfollowyournose

7 . run the risk of doing ……

8 . A:It’ssoniceofyoutohelpmewithallthemoving

9 . ThisinterviewisveryimportanttomeHopeIwon’tblowit

10 . LoveispreciousDon’ttakeitforgranted


1 . Takeforgranted(把当做理所当然

2 . couldn’t choose but do…; Have no choice but do ……

3 . spare no efforts to do ……

4 . on the brink bankruptcy … will be a stimulus to further the city’s development put much energy into …… …… become well—known domestically and internationally have paved a smooth way for …… … is the precondition and basis for …… in its true sense it is by no means a simple slogan for us to say that we …… play a constructive, positive role in doing ……

5 . 陈述语气:的了

6 . Everything that is good is sure to be praised and everything bad is sure to be exposed

7 . YourdishlooksmoredeliciousthanmineCanIhaveabite?

8 . make joint efforts

9 . He was unlucky to be hurt

10 . Keepintouch(withsb


1 . Heworksaroundtheclock(日以继夜tomakeendsmeet

2 . we are moving in the direction of …… our long—cherished dreams of prosperity and dignity are increasingly tangible in real life it is unthinkable that …… so long as they do not cease to develop this lethal wea

3 . Sheisagreenhandindriving

4 . 扩句:首先找出句子的主干词,再在主干词前加上合适的修饰词。扩写后的句子比原句的意思更具体充实,但主要意思不变。如:小明去看电影。扩写为:小明(穿着一件新衣服,高高兴兴地去(新华电影院看电影。不能扩写为:小明和妹妹高高兴兴地去新华电影院看电影。

5 . Makeendsmeet(收支相抵)

6 . Followone’snose(凭直觉,一直走,直着走

7 . HisAchilles’heelisheispride

8 . 句子种类繁多,有长有短,有简单句也有复合句,各自在文章中起不同的作用。要写好文章,必须先写好句子开始。我们必须对句子的`基本句型和分类有一个清晰的认识。句子的质量如何,直接影响到文章的整体效果。

9 . due less to……than to ……

10 . Itisindeedahumble(简陋的,粗糙的,谦逊的apartment,butit’sbetterthannothing


1 . YougethurtandyoumoveonNobigdeal

2 . Weraisedoureyebrowswhenwesawhimsteppedonthecat

3 . Hekeepsintouchwithhisfriendsfromchildhood

4 . Yougiveanexcellentspeech,Imeanit

5 . Heraiseshiseyebrowsatthenews

6 . date back go from bad to worse

7 . what’s more important is that ……

8 . [附注] 一般说来,只有当谓语是被动式时,这个句子才可称为被动句,下面的句子含有被动意义的非谓语成分,虽然表达了一定的被动意义,但是不能说是被动句,She didn&#;t like herself to be praised like that 这种被动意义的非谓语成分主要由下了词语表达出来:

9 . Whydoyouhaveworkaroundtheclockthismonth?

10 . 搭配不当。如:他穿着一件灰大衣和一顶红帽子。"穿"与"帽子"搭配不当,应改为:他穿着一件灰大衣和(戴着一顶红帽子。


1 . Ohshoot!(糟糕,糟了

2 . find it is difficult not to do ……

3 . Shoot!IforgottobringmyIDcard

4 . A:How’syourexam?

5 . I’msorryIwon’tstandyouupagainYouhavemyword

6 . 说明︰此句型意为“这(那)是什麽?这(那)是书(钢笔?)”。theenemylastyfriendwon’tevensayhellotomeTheyoftenbad-mouthedeachotherinpublic

7 . frankly speaking ……

8 . 祈使句,语气词是:“吧”,表祈使语气。

9 . Youshouldforgiveagreenhandlikehim

10 . an air man


1 . Morgan‘sAchilles’heelisthatheisnotbrave

2 . 电视观众的人数在晚上点到点之间急剧上升。

3 . Themanagehittheceilingatthebadnews

4 . .多样句型的多样化,对好的文章来说是必不可少的。好几句长短相同结构相似的句子连在一起,如又用同一个名词或代词作主语,必然会显得很单调。为多样化起见,短句和长句,简单句并列句和复合句,圆周句和松散句都应错杂使用。也可偶尔用一个问句祈使句或感叹句。但是不要只是为了多样化而频频变换句型。句子的结构和长度首先要由所要表达的思想来决定。只有恰当地表达思想时多样化才可取。

5 . 缩句。首先把句子分成"谁""做什么"或"什么""怎么样"两部分,然后找出每部分的主干词,再去掉修饰性的词语,把主干词连成完整的句子,但要保留原句的主要意思。如:曹操在营寨里听到鼓声和呐喊声。应缩写为:曹操听到鼓声和呐喊声。不能缩为:曹操听到呐喊声。

6 . B:ThinknothingofitForgiveandforget

7 . Greenhand

8 . YouwillcomeandeatatmyplaceIt’sadeal

9 . [注] 阅读时不要把含有by的成语当成施动者,如:by hand(用手)by itself(独自)by storm(突然)by air(乘飞机)例如: "Many years ago a great castle in Holland was taken by storm The enemies entered the castle…"

10 . Ohshoot!Iforgottofinishmyhomework


1 . LastmonthIdidn’tmakeendsmeet

2 . 肯定句和否定句。如:("肯定句"改为"否定句"街上的人很多。--街上的人真不少。将肯定句改为否定句,一定要在句子中加"不""没有"等词,然后将"不""没有"后面的词换成反义词。

3 . Thisprogram’sAchilles’heelislackoffound

4 . Stopaddingfueltothefire,It’salreadytroublingenough

5 . Ihaveheardsomuchaboutyou(久仰大名

6 . It’sbetterthannothing

7 . Raiseone’seyebrows(吃惊,震惊

8 . we will not hesitate to do……at any price

9 . CanIhaveabiteofyourapple?

10 . Healwaysdoesn’tseeeyetoeyewithmeIt’sdrivingmecrazy


1 . exert one’s utmost efforts to do …… with the sovereign integrity at stake, no cost will be too high make unremitting efforts in further developing …… no matte how rationally principled and beautifully worded we should not be so hasty as to “kill the hen to get the eggs” pay a higher, or even more tragic price serve the interests of …… we should cast our eyes on doing …… this opportunity is one that should not be missed no time can be lost in doing ……

2 . 转述:把一句话通过你的`口转告给别人。改写时注意人称的变化,要去掉冒号引号,根据句意及通顺与否可对个别文字作适当改动,但不能改变句意。如:王老师对小明说:"我下去买水,你在这里好好练习。"改为转述句:王老师对小明说,他下去买水,叫小明在那里好好练习。

3 . Turnbacktheclock

4 . This story eventually got translated into English He got dismissed He got plucked He got drowned last year I don&#;t want to get mixed up with the police again

5 . 被动不定式。它可以在句中作主语定语复合宾语状语等。

6 . Don’tmentionitLet’sforgiveandforget

7 . to do……make no difference other than to do……

8 . If Cowperwood were convicted, Stener needs must be

9 . production of this machine will mark a new milestone in our cooperation achievement only tell of the past it is my sincere hope that …… we are moving in the st century he likened the blast to earthquake trans—century take unprecedented initiatives in doing …… crystal clear in the ear of knowledge explosion we will have increasingly colorful and beautiful prospect

10 . .连贯连贯是指句子各部分之间清楚而合理的联系。句子中的词语和部分应恰当地衔接,它们之间的关系应十分清楚。不连贯的句子通常有以下几种毛病:平行结构有缺点,代词指代不清楚,修饰语和被修饰语的关系不明确,在人称数语态时态或语气上有混乱之处。




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