
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-15 07:09:15


1 . No current will not venture, there is no climbing mountain

2 . If the fear of front and rocks, life can only ever be a backwater

3 . The women who are not so beautiful but are nice women born in noble think we areonly after their lordliness

4 . You are our best friends

5 . As long as there is nothing to know, we should always learn Little Seneca

6 . They are very loving

7 . 志在峰巅的攀登者,不会陶醉在沿途的某个脚印之中。

8 . 你们要学习思考,然后再来写作。——布瓦罗

9 . It&#;s the easiest thing in the world for a man to deceive himself

10 . 每年根除一恶习,恶根亦会成完人。


1 . 许多年轻人在学习音乐时学会了爱。——莱杰

2 . 勇士搏出惊涛骇流而不沉沦,懦夫在风平浪静也会溺水。

3 . He remained silent

4 . The good seaman is known in bad weather

5 . Reading and writing are the two most necessary learning methods for students, and also the two windows to the world around them -- Sue Home Linsky

6 . Creation only, is really an enjoyment, only hard work, is full of life只有创造,才是真正的享受,只有拚搏,才是充实的生活。

7 . 不是很漂亮但是很好的女人都出身贫寒。

8 . 目标既定,在学习和实践过程中无论遇到什么困难曲折都不灰心丧气,不轻易改变自己决定的目标,而努力不懈地去学习和奋斗,如此才会有所成就,而达到自己的目的。——吴玉章

9 . There is no man so bad,but he secretly respects the good

10 . 学习,学习,再学习!学,然后知不足。——列宁


1 . If thou wouldest live long,live well;for folly and wickedness shorten life

2 . You may be more happy than pinces,if you will be more virtuous

3 . The beautiful and nice women are general stupid

4 . 培育能力的事必须继续不断地去做,又必须随时改善学习方法,提高学习效率,才会成功。——叶圣陶

5 . eg They haven&#;t phoned and they haven&#;t written, either

6 . A too, as well, also均指句中有关词语与前面提到的事物相结合或相一致。但这三个词的雅俗程度和句中的位置有所不同。also含有较庄重的色彩,通常用于主要动词之前(但若主要动词是be,则置于其后)。

7 . They are really pianist

8 . Each year one vicious habit rooted out,in time minght make the worst man good throughout

9 . Virtue and happiness are mother and daugher

10 . 在寻求真理的长河中,唯有学习,不断地学习,勤奋地学习,有创造性地学习,才能越重山跨峻岭。——华罗庚


1 . His job is taking care of the patient

2 . Our teachers are all hard-working

3 . 只有登上山顶,才能看到那边的风光。

4 . 青春是有限的,智慧是无穷的,趁短的青春,去学习无穷的智慧。——高尔基

5 . Clean your finger,before you point at my spots

6 . I think the most beautiful theme of life and the most happy results of human life, not too learning -- Balzac

7 . You may be too cunning for one,but not for all

8 . 情况是在不断地变化,要使自己的思想适应新的情况,就得学习。——毛泽东

9 . 注:too, as well, also, either表示“也”用法区别:

10 . Reading is to learn, to use is to learn, and is more important to learn -- Mao Zedong




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