
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-08 12:17:59


1 . 使用过去完成时的必要性和非必要性

2 . ( The second book__I want to read is Business at the Speed of Thought A which B what C that D as

3 . ( Please tell me____A what is wrong with the boy B what is the boy wrong C what wrong the boy is

4 . 【妙语诠释】冠词是中考必考的语法知识之一,也是中考考查的主要对象。以上口诀包括的意思有:

5 . 连词that, if, whether,连接代词what, which, who, whom, whose以及连接副词how, when, why, where可用来引导名词从句,充当主语表语宾语等。非正式文体中的宾语从句常省略that:

6 . 我希望这些明星会邀请我吃午饭。

7 . He is as well educated as his brother 他和他兄弟受的`教育一样好。

8 . I wish these stars would invite me to (have lunch

9 . ( --I really hope to keep in touch with Lily --Sorry I don&#;t know __

10 . 获取~的和,并打印。


1 . He didn’t come because he was ill 因为他病了,所以没来。

2 . thespecialprizeinthecompositioncompetition。

3 . ---Could you tell me when Mr Li___in Huanggang?---Sure When he ___, I’ll call you

4 . ( She will hate him when she _more about him AknowsB know Cwill know Dis going to know

5 . 过去发生的两个动作,先发生的`用过去完成时

6 . )You won’t pass the final exam ___________(除非you work hard

7 . ,先对~进行循环(遍历通过循环的形式。

8 . .Could you tell me _________ the nearest hospital is?A.what B.how C.whether D.where

9 . ( ---Do you know ____ the MP yesterday? -- Sorry, I’ve no idea about it

10 . continue;


1 . 。这个小女孩害怕和任何人交朋友。

2 . 步骤:

3 . ( -“Do you know_ have our summer holiday?”-“Next week”Awhen will we Bwhen are weC when we will

4 . A whom is she looking after B whom she is looking C.whom is she looking D.whom she is looking after

5 . The car ran so fast that I couldn’t see who was in it 汽车跑得那么快,我没看清谁坐在里面。

6 . The car______my father bought last month is beautifulThe man______hair is white is his grandfather

7 . ①名词在一般情况下不单用,常常要和冠词连用;

8 . 此外,that, which, who, whom, whose, when, why, where等还可以引导定语从句。

9 . I locked the door in order that we might continue our discussions undisturbed (=I locked the door in order to continue our discussions undisturbed 我把门锁上了,以便我们可以继续讨论而不受打扰。

10 . ( Is that book ____ he borrowed on Friday? A that B which C who D the one


1 . formclosefriendshipwithsb。

2 . 。sureofoneself

3 . 一般加s,特殊有几处:

4 . ( I like the second football match ___was held last week A which B who C that D /

5 . 连词when, while, before, after, till/until, since, as soon as等引导时间状语从句:

6 . I’ll help her if she asks me to 如果她要求我,我就帮助她。

7 . 综合练习一 用适当的关系代词或关系副词填空

8 . 如:He got up early in the morning so that he could catch the early bus

9 . Though/Although she is rich, she’s not happy 尽管她富有,但她并不幸福。

10 . We won’t start the meeting ___our teacher arrives Athough Buntil Cwhile Dor


1 . It’s time to say goodbye to my school I’ll always remember the people _____ have helped me

2 . Have you found the book _______she often talks?

3 . Systemoutprintln("sum="+sum;

4 . 并列名词后,各自和共有,

5 . .Do you know where _________ now?A.he lives B.does he live C.he lived D.did he live

6 . 去年因为那场大雨,这里发了洪水。

7 . 。regretdoingsth

8 . ②常用一般过去时表示依次发生的动作

9 . by the end of +过去时间 ; by + 过去时间

10 . A moment, please I’m checking if Mr Smith__free tomorrow Ais Bbeing Cto be Dwill be


1 . 提问:Whohasthreepens?

2 . We always have a good time chatting on the Internet

3 . 如Where does she live? ( Do you know? ----Do you know where she lives?

4 . 。或者是他,或者是我会得到比赛的特殊奖励。

5 . .Could you tell me _________ the radio without any help?

6 . 。makefriends

7 . C.what mean Christmas does D.what Christmas means

8 . ②以o结尾的单词除了两人(negro,hero两菜(tomato,potato加es外,其余一般加s;

9 . I like the rooms ______windows face south This is the desk ______legs were broken

10 . ( I&#;m one of the boys ______never late for school A that is B who are C who am D who is




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