
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-07-14 22:41:33


1 . There are thirty women teachers is our school(名词

2 . The moon is shining brightly(改为感叹句)

3 . He is proud to have passed the national college entrance examination(不定式短语) He is in the room making a model plane(分词短语)

4 . The sun rises in the east (名词

5 . ┃ He │admits │that he was mistaken ┃

6 . Guilin is a beautiful city(形容词

7 . 我想喝杯茶。 他承认犯了错误。

8 . ImadeTommonitor

9 . 名词及相关类(名词,代词,数词,冠词,介词,形容词)可做主语

10 . Seeing is believing (动名词


1 . She came in with a dictionary in her hand(伴随状语)

2 . Ioftenwritetohim(我常给他写信。

3 . 成功的秘诀在于从磨练开始,并要坚持不断磨练。

4 . 据广州中心气象台资料显示:广州市……创年以来广州春节的最高气温。(《新民晚报》年月日)

5 . He is asleep

6 . 他给你带来了一本字典。 他对她什么都不拒绝。

7 . The food tastes good

8 . 又如:My mother bought a schoolbag to me(我妈妈买了一个书包给我。

9 . 与非典搏斗。/Toseeistobelieve(耳听为虚眼见为实/Helpinganimalsistohelppeople(帮助动物就是帮助人类。

10 . In order to catch up with the others, I must work harder(目的状语


1 . The rich should help the poor(名词化的形容词)

2 . 定语:修饰或限制名词或代词的词词组或句子。

3 . ┃ He│asked │me │to come back soon ┃

4 . ()复合宾语(宾语+宾补),例如:They elected him their monitor

5 . Youdon’tfindopportunities…youmakethem

6 . 爱他人使我们幸福,在自己使我们孤单。

7 . 定语:对名词性形式进行范围限定。

8 . call for去叫某人, 要求, 需要

9 . ┃ He│showed │me │how to run the machine ┃

10 . 副词(adverb adv 副词——绿叶派


1 . 如果你常开着电视,你就可能听不到机会的敲门声。

2 . Theydon&#;tswimverywell(他们游泳不太好。)

3 . 谓语:

4 . Seventy-four! You don’t look it (代词

5 . ┃ I │want │to have a cup of tea ┃

6 . 表示转折,常用的连词有but, still, however, yet, while, when等。eg He was a little man with thick glasses, but he had a strange way of making his classes lively and interesting

8 . To wear a flower is to say “I’m poor, I can’t buy a ring (不定式)

9 . 这两句话分别由名词teachers, 形容词 kind

10 . He dares to tell the truth(改为否定句)




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