
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-07-24 06:15:21


1 . 有时候,人们之所以哭泣,并不是因为软弱,而是因为他们坚强太久了,需要一个肩膀。

2 . 失败乃成功之母。

3 . Go in and make resplendence

4 . Man makes man, man conquers nature

5 . 人最聪明的,并不是捡起了别人还没捡到的东西,而是别人捡到了你不想捡的东西。

6 . its good 很好。

7 . go right ahead 一直往前走。

8 . In short , we must work hard to make the world a better place

9 . Better eat a hundred days No regrets

10 . It is our duty to protect environment


1 . 说得好!(不是你可以再说一遍)

2 . 不要在意别人对你的尖刻评论,学会超脱。

3 . To surpass the dream, to fly a class of invincible, to kill the same level; Make concerted efforts and achieve good results

4 . 我认为锻炼很有好处。

5 . 我只是需要一个不会放弃我的人。

6 . Youth is fearless, dream-driven, self-improvement, never give up

7 . 阳光虽然暖和,可照射的时间长了,也会遭到谩骂。

8 . do you want something? 你想要些什么?

9 . have a nice day 祝你一天过得愉快。

10 . 你可以成为莎士比亚,米开朗琪罗,或者是贝多芬。你有成就一切的能力。是的,你是一个奇迹。而当你长大之后,你会忍心去伤害另一个如你一般的奇迹么?


1 . It is the heart of a man who has the heart of a guest

2 . i cant wait 我不能再等了。

3 . i found it 我找到了。

4 . With lines and colors, life is the most brilliant

5 . 这是一个放松的好地方。

6 . It is a village with mountains around it

7 . 是吗!(不是你别说)

8 . Ben will win, never fall behind, fight ahead, stand out

9 . he dosent have time 他没空。

10 . 后来我走过那么多城市,却再也找不到像你一样的人。


1 . its easy 很容易。

2 . A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step; two years of storms, a rainbow in ones life

3 . The secret of success is to keep its purpose unchanged

4 . its about time 是时候了。

5 . have a good trip 祝旅途愉快。

6 . tell me 告诉我。

7 . buy it 买下来。

8 . 每个人都有潜在的能量,只是很容易:被习惯所掩盖,被时间所迷离,被惰性所消磨。

9 . 曾经肆意的欢笑现在也只剩下淡淡的叹息。

10 . 十一,It cant be less interesting


1 . Believe in yourself and you will succeed

2 . Let&#;s look on the bright side

3 . its funny 很滑稽。

4 . Confidence determines everything, and details determine success or failure

5 . Our ultimate eight - class smile on the test of the Chinese test

6 . 我们活着的每一秒都是独一无二的

7 . im used to it 我已经习惯了。

8 . Through the mountains and mountains, it is hard to cut through the mountains

9 . 我不需要太多解释,还是我不需要向你解释。

10 . its different 那是不同的。


1 . Discipline is strict, race against time, dare to create a good performance, for oneself to contend for, for the school glory

2 . 亲爱的,希望你想明白之前,我还不是别人的新娘。

3 . im busy 我很忙。

4 . 一些人认为……另一些人持相反意见。也许双方的观点都有一定道理。但是我们必须认识到……

5 . Intentional thinking leads to intentional life, while negative thinking leads to negative life

6 . 懂得让我流泪的人,给的感动一定是最深。

7 . Life is a few times struggle, high morale, all efforts, love will win

8 . Fly your heart and spread your hope

9 . Grasp one today, more than two tomorrows

10 . Although the ant nest is small, it collapses thousands of miles




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