
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-07-29 17:04:06


1 . 最后一句更称得上压轴之作,只用了个字母。可惜却包含两个专有名词,而且还是含有缩写字母的专有名词,投机之嫌大大地减低了它的奥妙。这个句子是:

2 . 遗憾和同情 Regrets and sympathy

3 . that多指物,有时也指人,在定语从句中作主语或宾语。例如:

4 . ( all强调由一个个部分组成的“全部”。

5 . A have B has C is D are

6 . How can you make your life more interesting??

7 . A Surf the Internet B Paint pictures C Play games?

8 . His teacher and friend is a beautiful girl

9 . im hungry 我饿死了。

10 . 首先要充分利用好英语老师在课堂上的语言。一般的英语老师在英语课堂上


1 . 录音材料:

2 . D I’d like to buy a pair of shoes of my daughter?

3 . I’m sure (that …

4 . 如果爱不曾来过,如果梦不曾碎过,如果心不曾疼过,那么我,是否还是你认识的我?

5 . He brought us some good news他给我们带来了一些好消息。

6 . 日月如梭,一转瞬,年的同窗生活已成为从前。但教室里,还回响着我们朗朗的读书声;操场上,还留着我们奔驰矫健的身影。这里的草坪小溪竹亭,是我们永远迷恋的百草园。

7 . C He was hurt in a traffic accident?

8 . 创造机会的人是勇者。等待机会的人是愚者。

9 . 听短文,选答案

10 . (年吉林市中考试题


1 . Congratulations!

2 . The police are looking for lost boy

3 . I’m sorry to hear…

4 . how long are you staying? 你要呆多久?

5 . who 指人,在定语从句中作主语。例如:


7 . Yes, I’ll be free then

8 . Either you or I am right

9 . Bread and butter is a daily food in the west

10 . bPlease give/pass me…


1 . M: Did you speak at the meeting?

2 . I feel terrible(bad

3 . 【名师精讲】

4 . its near here 离这里很近。

5 . Where are my shoes? I can’t find them

6 . G Do you think it’s a good idea?

7 . That’s nothing

8 . 二,What a shame!

9 . B He cleaned the bath-room

10 . Thank you for your help


1 . think about it 考虑一下。

2 . 听短文要注意听大意,要善于捕捉整体信息,切莫一个词一个词地听,也不要听一句就翻译一句,更不必因一个词或一个短语没听懂就停步不前,一定要带着短文后的要求和指令去听。听的短文通常是结构紧凑的故事,选用大多是围绕who , when , where , what , how 或why所设的问题。因此,在听的时候应紧紧围绕选项内容作些速记,记下关键词语,理清线索,抓好前后联系,最后才准确做出答案。请看年陕西省听力部分第-题:

3 . John: Yes, of course Is there anything else I can do?

4 . A which B whose C where D who

5 . Excuse me, can you tell me the way to…?

6 . ---__________

7 . its about time 是时候了。

8 . Neither of the boys is from England 这两个男孩都不是来自英国。

9 . The teacher with his students is going to visit the museum

10 . when 指时间,在定语从句中作状语。例如:


1 . its impossible 那是不可能的。

2 . 购物 Shopping

3 . B What time is it

4 . Yes, I am

5 . C He lives on a farm far away from cities

6 . 中考对定语从句的考查主要集中在以下几个方面:

7 . bTake care !

8 . ( send for意思是"召唤;派人去取;派人去拿",而非本人亲自去。

9 . I’ll never forget the day when I first came to Beijing

10 . We often get to school on foot我们经常步行到学校。




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