
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-12 03:51:15


1 . 最诚挚地祝愿你新婚快乐,并向你俩致以最美好的祝愿,祝你们终生幸福。

2 . 我太感动了,所以子啊婚礼上就忍不住掉泪了。

3 . In a sunny morning, in the morning, we found that the white hair, long at the head of our father and mother, so bright I could feel the a site, was hard prick

4 . Mr Smith:Really? I haven’t seen that at our wedding, but at Jeff and Mary’s。

5 . 你们能喜结连理真是太好了!It’s great for you to tie the knot!

6 . 正值你们银婚纪念日之际,谨向你们表示衷心的祝贺和良好的祝愿,愿你们健康长寿幸福。

7 . It is not everyday you have a birthday, so hope you have a wonderful one May it be followed by days and weeks and months and years of happiness for you!

8 . Let us wish you both a hundred years of happiness

9 . Wishing you many happy returns of the wedding day

10 . 早晨,阳光照在草上。我们站着,扶着自己的门窗,门很低,但太阳是明 亮的。


1 . special wish may bring you health, luck and happiness each minute! Hope it really proves to be the nicest birthday you have spent

2 . Let me wish you and your bride every joy and the best of everything

3 . 每到你的生日,我都十分快乐。送上一张生日卡和一件礼物,略表心意。祝事业成功生活幸福!

4 . 日子悠然,父爱默然,缘份天然,孝心自然,有时漠然,内心了然,有时淡然,今朝必然,节日灿然,祝福诚然,尽孝欣然,愿父怡然!

5 . 在你俩结婚周年纪念日之际,致以最衷心的祝意,愿你们年年岁岁称心如意

6 . 送上一份生日礼物,它是我内心深处的是生日祝福,祝你生日快乐,岁岁平安!

7 . 朱迪,你怎么对她那么感兴趣?

8 . 年年有余:may you always get more than you wish for

9 . 我的祝福捎来我对你的爱,愿你的生日过得称心如意,当一天过去,你躺下享受安宁,愿幸福弥漫你恬静的金色梦境。

10 . 你敢不敢在那天早晨,给TA一个承诺:我会爱你一生一世。


1 . My husband joins me in hoping that you have a long and happy and prosperouslife together

2 . 这是为了感谢您为我所做的一切。

3 . Please accept our most sincere congratulations upon your holy matrimonywith and very best wishes for all the good future in the world

4 . They’re playing the Wedding March。

5 . 如果一片树叶代表快乐我送你一片森林;如果一滴水代表一个祝福,我送你一个东海;如果一颗流星代表一份幸福,我送你一条银河,祝父亲节开心!

6 . 是庆祝你生日的时候了,祝福美丽聪颖的你生日快乐!

7 . 在你生日之际,向你致以亲切的祝贺。生日意味着一个新的开端,意味着重新把握生活的机会。

8 . 愿数不尽的欢乐陪伴您佳节的每时每刻。

9 . 人说遗传基因很重要,我要特别谢谢你爸把你生得如此好,人说后天培养是再生力量,我要特别谢谢你爸爸的好家教!父亲节,祝你的父亲节日快乐!

10 . I leave you in the morning and dusk; I leave half my half to you 我把早晨和黄昏留给你;我把我的一半留给你。


1 . 无论任何时候,我的祝福都是你最好的殊效药,它无色素更不需防腐剂,不会过时,服用后会时时刻刻地泛起好运!祝父亲节快乐。

2 . I heartily congratulate you upon your choice of your partner for life sincel can&#;&#;t think of two people more suited to each other than you two

3 . The best of all good wishes to you both

4 . 祝您父亲节快乐!万事如意!

5 . 再找个喜欢的人在一起,这样晚上八点到早晨六点就是开心的,这就是生活。

6 . May yourlife brighter as each birthday comes and goes The nicest kind of birthday that could be wishes for you

7 . 名列前茅: always come first in examinations

8 . 牧师主持得还不错,我可不确定他们是不是会像我们一样幸福。

9 . Looking back across the years, we come to realize that it takes many birthdays to make us kind and wise Growing older only means the spirit grows serene Happy birthday!

10 . 为庆祝你跨越二十岁,我们准备了一个盛大的生日宴会。


1 . A gift of love for your birthday, which is a warm wish from my heart Happiness for your birthday and always

2 . Here comes today with special pride in all the achievements you have made May your dearest wishes through all the years in store come true, and make you happier than you have ever been before

3 . I want to tell you on this special day that I&#;m very glad, time hasn&#;t changed our friendship any Hoping your birthday is great

4 . With warm wishes for Father&#;s Day!

5 . 我们祝你俩今后的周年纪念日一次更比一次幸福。

6 . 如果说母爱是海,那么父爱就是山;如果说母爱是春,那么父爱就是夏;如果说母爱如风,那么父爱就如火。父亲节到了,祝爸爸节日快乐!

7 . 一帆风顺: wish you every success

8 . 祝你在这特殊的日子里,时时刻刻都充满快乐,祝你来日多福,捷报频传!

9 . Many happy returns of this special day All our best wishes go to you on your birthday

10 . 国泰民安: wish our country flourishes and people live in peace


1 . 回首以往,我们渐渐认识到,是这些众多的生日使我们宽厚仁爱,更增智慧,年龄的增长使心境愈趋宁静。祝生日快乐!

2 . 愿你的生日是对生命的歌颂,祝健康快乐,事业蒸蒸日上。

3 . 每当想起你我就无比的自豪。在这个特殊的节日里我祝福你!父亲我爱你!祝父亲快乐!

4 . Mrs Smith:Why are you so bitter? No one tells worse jokes than you。

5 . Have a great day, for today is your birthday and a wonderful event Wish you happiness unfolding like the petal of a rose

6 . 岁岁平安: may you start safe and sound all year round

7 . 当我取得成绩,我会想起你,让你同我一起分享;当我遇到困难,我也会想起你,请你指明方向;爸爸,父亲节到了,祝您节日快乐!

8 . We send you both our love and best wishes for every happiness that life canbring

9 . Happy Father&#;s Day to you, my dear father! Thank you for everything you&#;ve done for me!

10 . 人生就是一个接一个节日的过,走过儿童节,迎来青年节,庆祝男人节,几个光棍节,终于父亲节,含泪感恩节,折腾几十年,得个纪念碑,年年清明节!


1 . 愿你每个生日都使生命更加亮丽,祝生日无比美好快乐!

2 . 其实很多时候说错话都是因为说多错多,所以这一天捡好的话就可以了,多余的`话就不要多说了,祝福语也是很好的寒暄语哦。例如:愿你们两个百年好合永结同心,相互体谅。相互扶持,用爱情之水浇灌婚姻这朵花,共同分享未来生活的喜怒哀乐。

3 . The world is brutal today, even more brutal tomorrow and wonderful the day after, but most guys would die by tomorrow and never see the sunshine the day after tomorrow

4 . 我希望你们蜜月愉快。I hope you have a great honeymoon。

5 . 个宇宙,大行星,个国家,个岛屿,个大洋,我竟如此幸运,可以遇见你。(要珍惜哦~)

6 . 别那么敏感,只是随口问问,我发现你在看伴郎。

7 . 恭喜你们喜结良缘!Congratulations on your marriage!

8 . 生意兴隆:wish your business success

9 . 我为您做了一件礼物,希望您会喜欢。

10 . 真的吗?我都没见你在我们婚礼上流泪,却在杰夫和玛丽的婚礼上看到了。




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