
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-15 00:04:52


1 . 在连词前切开,将连词与后面的并列句和从句划在一起。如果是and和or连接的并列成分,则不切,将并列成分划在一起,在句子做同一成分。

2 . (一)句子成分的定义:构成句子的各个部分叫做句子成分。句子成分有主要成分和次要成分;主要成分有主语和谓语;次要成分有表语宾语定语状语补足语和同位语。

3 . give,ask_________________________________________________________sb sth

4 . 因果:derivefromleadtoduetobecausecausesinceforthereforethushenceinthatso…thatso…astoasaresultresultinresultfromaccordinglyconsequentlygiveriseto

5 . 找出下面句子中的主语系动词及表语,并指出主语和表语分别是由什么词性或词类来充当的。

6 . We should help the old and the poor

7 . The trees turn yellow in the autumn

8 . Those roses smell beautiful

9 . 这句话由相当于形容词的介词短语in the hospital 作后置定语,修饰work。

10 . We will make them happy (形容词


1 . In order to catch up with the others, I must work harder(目的状语)

2 . 谓语:谓语由动词构成,是英语时态语态变化的主角,一般在主语之后。

3 . The trees planted last year are growing well now (过去分词

4 . He went mad

5 . (三)并列句的分类

6 . Once you begin, you must continue(状语从句)

7 . It is an interesting story(改为感叹句)

8 . Your success is our hope

9 . The flower smells good花闻起来很香。

10 . I like some of you very much


1 . She is my aunt&#;s friend

2 . 状语:状语修饰动词形容词副词或全句,说明方式因果条件时间地点让步方向程度目的等状语在句子中的位置很灵活,常见情况为:通常在句子基本结构之后,强调时放在句首;修饰形容词或副词时,通常位于被修饰的词之前;表示时间地点目的的状语一般位于句子两头,强调时放在句首,地点状语一般须在时间状语之前;一些表示不确定时间(如:often或程度(如:almost的副词状语通常位于be动词助动词情态动词之后,动词之前。

3 . 所以,我们在阅读句子的时候,不管句子有多长,不管是并列句还是复合句,都必须首先分清各句中的主语谓语(或表语,有的句子中还包括宾语。因为主语谓语宾语中英语句子的主干,抓住了句子的主干,句子的基本意思就清楚了。

4 . 在介词前切开,将介词与后面的名词划在一起构成介词短语。(一般做状语,定语,表语

5 . We study English

6 . 简单句,即只有一个主谓结构的句子。除了特殊情况,英语句子中都有主语谓语(或表语,有时候还有宾语;而且除了倒装句等特殊句型,一般情况下,主语谓语宾语的先后顺序是固定的,不可能宾语跑到谓语前面,或者谓语跑到主语前面。目前很多语法书都把英语的简单句归纳为五种基本句型。实际上,英语简单句还可以简化为三种形式:

7 . They are endangered animals

8 . Let the fresh air in(副词)

9 . My father became a teacher in 我爸爸在年成为一名教师。My father 主语,名词 a teacher名词,表语 in 时间状语

10 . (六)宾语补足语:英语中有些及物动词,除有一个直接宾语以外,还要有一个宾语补语,才能使句子的意义完整。带有宾语补足语的一般句型为:某些及物动词(如make等+宾语+宾补)。宾补可由名词形容词副词不定式分词介词短语和从句充当。例如: His father named him Dongming(名词)


1 . 同位语 与句中的某一成分,常常是名词或代词,是同一意思, 可互相替换 ?

2 . He主语,代词 fat表语,形容词

3 . His hobby(爱好)is playing football(动名词)

4 . You should do everything that I do (定语从句

5 . 答案 He doesn&#;t dare to tell the truth 或He dare not tell the truth How long have they lived here? won&#;t there Be careful with your pronunciation Did they go for a walk after supper yesterday evening? What an interesting story (it is! 或How interesting the story is! How often does this magazine come out? could they How brightly the moon is shining! Who is always encouraging us to speak English in class?

6 . Its owner is Mr Wu

7 . He feels better today他今天感觉不错。

8 . Our favourite sports are basketball and football Our health is the most important

9 . (常见的系动词有: be, sound(听起来), look(看起来), feel(摸起来,smell(闻起来), taste(尝吃起来), remain(保持,仍是), feel(感觉)

10 . His face turned red


1 . D强烈对比:时间强对比人物强对比对象强对比(句子叙述对象的转移

2 . Did you write down what he said? (宾语从句

3 . I don’t know if it will grow

4 . 。

5 . Tom looks thin

6 . The chair is yours

7 . 并列:andalsoorjustassimilarlycorrespondinglyinthesamewayindeedaccordingly

8 . Its name is Mi Mi

9 . 句子结构----简单句的五个基本句型

10 . To win the game is difficult




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