
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-07-24 17:44:39


1 . It hasn&#;t been made clear when the new road is open to traffic

2 . AthisBthat

3 . 不要使用双重比较级, 如:(误 His younger brother was more stronger than he

4 . 特殊同位语归纳

5 . 典型例题:

6 . A being tied B having tied C to be tied D tied

7 . 当表人体部位的词做逻辑主语时,及物动词用现在分 词,不及物动词用过去分词。

8 . Is your father senior to mine? My father is junior to yours

9 . twentieth 第二十

10 . Lighttravelsfasterthansound光比声速度快。(说明事实)


1 . 用of 引出的短语表示范围: Of all the writers of the time Lu Shun enjoyed the greatest popularity among the people

2 . [附注] 表示等比的还有以下一些方式:

3 . Shegotaplaceinalaundryironingshirts她在一家洗衣店得到一个熨衣服的职位。(ironingshirts与aplace同位

4 . Howdoyouknowthat?你怎么知道那件事?

5 . (Hestudiesashardashecouldtocatchupwithhisclassmates他拼命学习以便赶上他的同学。

6 . Better die standing than live kneeling (=it is better to die standing than to live kneeling

7 . 用其他词语表达:Three early mornings will make a day Only he in our class can cope with you in knowledge of English

8 . as…as sb (one can = as …as possible 尽可能地……

9 . She is the most active girl in our class You&#;re the one who writes the most correctly

10 . = In whatever degree sooner you do it, in that degree better it will be The more, the merrier The more, the better


1 . 注意,强调句的一个显著特点是,若去掉强调结构itis[was]…that…,句子仍然成立;换句话说,该结构中的that不能充当句子成分。

2 . Ctheywill,theywillDwillthey,willthey

3 . Thefilmhadbegunwhenwegottothecinema

4 . 将来进行时 现在完成进行时 将来完成进行时 过去完成进行时

5 . Mr Green is not so old as he looks It isn&#;t as cold as it was yesterday

6 . I find him a clever boy 我觉得他是个聪明的孩子。

7 . The socialist system has demonstrated absolute superiority over the capitalist one

8 . (Noneknowsif_______thatboy,butif_______him,herparentswillbedisappointed

9 . 食物很精美,但他却没什么胃口。

10 . 句型[主语+…choose+名词A+before+名词B] [主语+before+从句]


1 . (am,is要变为are。如:

2 . It has not been found out who set the record

3 . One of my suitcases is small, and the other one is medium

4 . This is just as good an example as the other Does John work as hard as Henry?

5 . None is so blind as those that won&#;t see

6 . AwhichBsinceCthatDwhat

7 . 注意:

8 . 为“让我生气的不是他说的话,而是他话中的意思”。请再看两例:

9 . IforgetwhereIreadthearticle,orI_____ittoyounow

10 . CwhoisitDwhoitis


1 . 英语语法让很多学生都头疼,因为复杂难懂的句式和词组有时难以记忆。为大家整理了英语语法大全,本章主要介绍英语语法中的句子成分,希望对同学们的英语语法学习有所帮助。更多内容尽在。

2 . 此题最佳答案为B。现分析如下:

3 . ShestudiesEnglish她学英语。

4 . make的`用法:

5 . [主语+谓语+rather than+动词原形…]

6 . 形容词用作同位语

7 . )转换时一般不得变更动词的时态。另下列各时式不能用于被动句中。

8 . Sooner than do such work, I would starve

9 . 其实答案应选C。that引导的是一个宾语从句,用作动词know的宾语,它只是被句中的插入语mydearfriend隔开罢了。请做以下试题(答案均为C:

10 . The enemy rots with every passing day, while for us things are getting better daily


1 . ( hand前不能加his。

2 . be made of 由……制成

3 . Our country is growing ever richer and stronger

4 . 当某些动宾关系十分紧密不可分割时不能变被动句。这种组合中的宾语大多表示工具方式或结果,如:She leaned her elbows on the table He kept silence He took (made a flight The boy did not lose heart Nydia bowed her gratitude

5 . I’m a student→We are students

6 . 英语语法大全经典例题例:名词性从句(例题)

7 . (由于空格后的if条件状语从句的谓语用的是虚拟语气(这是很重要的信息,所以主句要用would而不用will,即答案应选D。

8 . Ourbeinglatecausedhimtoservedinneranhourlaterthanusual

9 . AwhoBwhich

10 . "…the+比较级…" 这大多是一种习惯用语。 如: So much the worse a change for the worse all the more = more and more


1 . [注] 比较级前可加一些增强语气的词,如:much, even, still, a little (bit, slightly, far , any, no, a lot 等。

2 . He ran as fast as he could 他拼命地跑。

3 . ____thatcausedhimtoservedinneranhourlaterthanusual

4 . )祈使句(ImperativeSentences):提出请求,建议或发出命令,例如:

5 . (Everyoneknows,perhapsexceptyou,_______yourgirl-friendisacheat

6 . CwhichDas

7 . call sb / sth +n 称呼某人/某物……,后面的名词作宾语补足语。

8 . 用in 引出的短语表示范围: This is the busiest street in the city

9 . [注] H W Fowler 说过,双重被动式,从文体学观点来看是应该尽量避免,因为从表面看来容易为类似的假象所混淆。如:(错 The house was begun to be built 不是房子开始而是房子的建造开始。下列动词不适宜于本句型:attempt, decide, promise, seek, begin, hope, intend, propose, purpose, threaten等。

10 . 看上去好像庄泳和美国游泳选手詹尼·汤姆森同时游完全程。


1 . 答案选C,被强调成分为atChristmas,其中的动词be采用了mayhavebeen这一较为复杂的形式。

2 . 【分析】假若选C,即有Itwasinthehallthatthestudentsoftenhaveameeting,该句的意思是“学生们通常是在

3 . He works more regularly than you do

4 . can’thelpdoingsth=禁不住做某事,情不自禁地做某事

5 . (Heranasfastashecould_____tocatchtheearlybus

6 . Itwaswhathemeantratherthanwhathesaid______annoyedme

7 . d反意疑问句(Tag-Questions):

8 . “Howwas______theydiscoveredtheentrancetotheundergroundpalace?”“Totallybychance”

9 . [注] 如果表示"因…而更…" 可用句型 the+比较级+for (或because, as等词,

10 . 用that引出的从句表示范围: That is the most important discovery (that ever made by man




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