
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-07-18 02:58:46


1 . 如: My sister Lucy is very beautiful(我的妹妹露西很漂亮。

2 . He didn’t study hard so that he failed in the exam

3 . 小红竟然那么会学习,成绩一定很好(曾小桐)

4 . Franklyspeaking,thefoodisnotverygood

5 . 语法其实并没有一些人想象的那么可怕,其实里面有很多趣味。

6 . Heisatallboy(他是个高个子男孩。)

7 . (口语中常见主语或“主--系”省略:(Itisnothing((那没有什么。/(Itdoesn’tmatter((那没有关系。/(Ithankyou((我谢谢你。

8 . (一)句子成分的定义:构成句子的各个部分叫做句子成分。句子成分有主要成分和次要成分;主要成分有主语和谓语;次要成分有表语宾语定语状语补足语和同位语。

9 . Are you afraid of the snake?

10 . 在娘娘庙前感受了旺盛的香火和虔诚的气氛。(《北京青年报》年月日)


1 . 主语 + 系动词 +主语补语 She is happy.

2 . Thestudentsstudyhard(这些学生学习努力。

3 . I hope to see you again (不定式) Did you write down what he said? (宾语从句)

4 . 定语:对名词性形式进行范围限定。

5 . Timeismoney

6 . (一)句子种类两种分类法

7 . 句子是按照一定的语法规律组成的,表达一个完整的意义。一个句子一般由两部分构成,即主语部分和谓语部分,这两部分也叫做句子的主要成分。句子的次要成分包括宾语,定语,状语,表语等。句子成分是句子中起一定功用的组成部分。

8 . We all think it a pity that she didn’t come here (名

9 . 一场激烈的足球赛过后,作为一名老球迷的爸爸竟然留下了激动的眼泪。(丘盈盈)

10 . Thereareonlytwokindsofmusic…goodandbad


1 . I like China (名词

2 . (祈使句一般省略主语。加主语时往往用来指定某个人。Keepthekeyboardsclean,children(孩子们请保持键盘的清洁。(省略了主语/Yougothereandfetchmeaglassofwater(你去给我弄一杯水来。

3 . ImadeTommonitor

4 . He gave me a book yesterday

5 . )修饰性状语:修饰动词,形容词,副词等(时间,地点,肯定,否定,程度,频度,方式,伴随,原因,目的,比较等)。

6 . Theyareteachers(他们是老师。

7 . It sounds a good idea The sound sounds strange

8 . Doctors are often called _____ in the middle of the war

9 . 英语句子八呀八大块,主谓宾表真呀真实在;

10 . I play with him (我和他玩。 I like Chinese food(我喜欢中国菜。)


1 . 他们之所以激动,是因为他们终于看到了他们经历过的听说过的想象过的感受和状态。(《文汇报》年月日)

2 . Our teacher of English is an American(名词)

3 . 这两句话中单词study和are都是动词,study叫做实意动词,are叫做be动词,它们在句中作谓语。

4 . 甲型流感竟然演变为输入型的第二代了。(刘烨君)

5 . 我家的乌龟竟然从阳台的一点儿缝隙中钻了出去,壳上竟然摔裂了两道裂痕,竟然还能顽强的活下来。(刘烨君)

6 . 通常情况下,主语和宾语前的成分是定语,谓语前的成分是状语,时间词作状语

7 . The food smells delicious

8 . It is very clear that the elephant is round and tall like a tree (It形式主语,主语从句是真正主语)

9 . 我们的学校的师生经过一番努力后,竟然出书了!(李恺玥)

10 . He studies hard to learn English well


1 . 人类最大的敌人竟然是那些小小的病毒细菌。(刘烨君)

2 . 同位语 与句中的某一成分,常常是名词或代词,是同一意思, 可互相替换 ?

3 . He is asleep (形容词

4 . The moon is shining brightly(改为感叹句)

5 . 同位语:对被修饰对象进行补充说明或进一步解释。

6 . The heavy rain prevented me form coming to school on time(代词)

7 . 小偷的行踪竟然没被监视器录下来,却在警察的盘问下露出了破绽。(刘烨君)

8 . Toloveothersmakesushappy…toloveourselvesmakesuslonely(宾补)

9 . 他的表现让人出乎意料,竟然可以跟班上学习好的同学比。(陈治涛

10 . 答案 He doesn&#;t dare to tell the truth 或He dare not tell the truth How long have they lived here? won&#;t there Be careful with your pronunciation Did they go for a walk after supper yesterday evening? What an interesting story (it is! 或How interesting the story is! How often does this magazine come out? could they How brightly the moon is shining! Who is always encouraging us to speak English in class?




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