
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-08-17 12:38:00


1 . 又如: Lucy, come on(露西,过来。)

2 . 副词(adverb adv 副词——绿叶派

3 . ┃S│V(及物)│O(宾语) │ C(宾补) ┃

4 . 限制性同位语中同位语与被它限定的词之间不用逗号隔开,非限制性同位语则用逗号隔开。 如: My uncle Mike is kind(我的叔叔马克心地善良

5 . call for去叫某人, 要求, 需要

6 . ┃ The dinner │smells │good ┃

7 . 感叹词(interjection interj

8 . It is necessary to master a foreign language(it作形式主语,真正的主语为后面的不定式)

9 . 主谓宾搭配 干活不累

10 . 定语并不总是放在被修饰词前面。


1 . 介词(preposition prep 介词——丐帮分派

2 . 表示转折,常用的连词有but, still, however, yet, while, when等。eg He was a little man with thick glasses, but he had a strange way of making his classes lively and interesting

3 . We will soon make our city what your city is now(从句)

4 . 主语 + 系动词 +主语补语 She is happy.

5 . ┃ She │smiled │her thanks ┃

6 . ┃ They │painted│the door │green ┃

7 . ┃ They │found │the house │deserted ┃

8 . ┃ He │admits │that he was mistaken ┃

9 . The trees planted last year are growing well now (过去分词)

10 . They painted their boat white(形容词)


1 . 这类动词叫做不及物动词,后面可以跟副词介词短语状语从句等。

2 . (It形式主语,主语从句是真正主语

3 . ┃ I │told │him │that the bus was late┃

4 . He was elected monitor She was found singing in the next room

5 . We all think it a pity that she didn’t come here (名

6 . 基本句型三

7 . He looks young 系动词

8 . We should help the old and the poor I enjoy working with you (动名词)

9 . His job is to teach English(不定式

10 . ( in, for, at, out, off


1 . Light travels most quickly(副词及副词性词组

2 . 此句型句子的共同特点是:谓语动词都具有实义,都是主语产生的`动作,但不能表达完整的意思,必须跟有一个宾语,即动作的承受者,才能使意思完整。这类动词叫做及物动词。

3 . 状语——灵活派

4 . (二)主语:主语是一个句子所叙述的主体,一般位于句首。但在there be结构疑问句(当主语不疑问词时)和倒装句中,主语位于谓语助动词或情态动词后面。主语可由名词代词数词不定式动名词名词化的形容词和主语从句等表示。例如:

5 . Our English teacher is always encouraging us to speak English in class (对画线部分提问)

6 . 我想喝杯茶。 他承认犯了错误。

7 . It sounds a good idea The sound sounds strange

8 . 状语种类如下:

9 . We will make them happy (形容词

10 . They painted their boat white(形容词


1 . ┃ He │fell │in love ┃

2 . (六宾语补足语:英语中有些及物动词,除有一个直接宾语以外,还要有一个宾语补语,才能使句子的意义完整。带有宾语补足语的一般句型为:某些及物动词(如make等+宾语+宾补。宾补可由名词形容词副词不定式分词介词短语和从句充当。例如:

3 . Tell e

4 . 形容词(adjective adj 形容词——衡山派

5 . 如:

6 . She was found singing in the next room

7 . 按要求完成下列句子:

8 . He likes dancing (代词

9 . 这两句话讲的是“守株待兔”的起因,暗示了兔子撞死在树桩上是一种偶然的现象。“忽然”“不知怎么的”说明兔子的出现是偶然的,至于兔子撞树桩,连那个种田人自己也没有弄清是什么原因。

10 . call on号召,拜访(某人)


1 . ┃ I │gave │my car │a wash ┃

2 . 答案 He doesn&#;t dare to tell the truth 或He dare not tell the truth How long have they lived here? won&#;t there Be careful with your pronunciation Did they go for a walk after supper yesterday evening? What an interesting story (it is! 或How interesting the story is! How often does this magazine come out? could they How brightly the moon is shining! Who is always encouraging us to speak English in class?

3 . Are you afraid of the snake? Under the snow, there are many rocks

4 . )祈使句:Be careful, boys; Don&#;t talk in class

5 . 析:这句话是写清澈的湖面上漂浮着碧玉似的荷叶,“挨挨挤挤”一词,用拟人手法写出荷叶的多密,一片挨着一片,一片*着一片,几乎遮住了水面。满地的荷叶碧绿鲜亮,十分美丽。

6 . He is asleep

7 . 冠词,介词,连词,感叹词——虚词

8 . The food tastes good

9 . 名词是指待人物事时地情感概念等实体或抽象事物的词。

10 . Please make yourself at home (介词短语


1 . 主语+及物动词+双宾语(间接宾语+直接宾语):eg My father bought me a car

2 . 谓语(predicate): 说明主语的动作状态和特征。

3 . Don’t let him do that (省to不定式

4 . flyv 飞 n 苍蝇

5 . 宾补:对宾语的补充,全称为宾语补足语。

6 . The teaching plan for next term has been worked out(动名词)

7 . She put the eggs into the basket with great care(方式状语)

8 . 因此动词不定式动名词分词为非谓语动词,不能作谓语。且谓语动词可以体现时态,单复数的语法现象。

9 . 宾语是动作行为的对象,表示动作的承受者,一般位于及物动词和介词后面。

10 . Twenty years is a short time in history (数词 Seeing is believing (动名词) To see is to believe (不定式) What he needs is a book (主语从句)




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